import Color from 'color'; type ColorScheme = { name: string; colors: { primary: { background: string; foreground: string }; normal: { black: string; red: string; green: string; yellow: string; blue: string; magenta: string; cyan: string; white: string; }; bright: { black: string; red: string; green: string; yellow: string; blue: string; magenta: string; cyan: string; white: string; }; }; }; import knownSchemesData from '../../formatted_themes.json'; const knownSchemes: ColorScheme[] = knownSchemesData; function generateRandomColor(): string { return '#' + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).padStart(6, '0'); } function generateCreativeName(colors: { [key: string]: string }): string { const allColors = Object.values(colors); const dominantColor = getDominantColor(allColors); const mood = getMood(allColors); const theme = getTheme(dominantColor); const nameComponents = [mood, theme].filter(Boolean); if (nameComponents.length === 1) { nameComponents.push(getRandomAdjective(dominantColor)); } return nameComponents.join(' '); } function getDominantColor(colors: string[]): Color { return colors.reduce((dominant, color) => { const current = Color(color); return current.luminosity() > dominant.luminosity() ? current : dominant; }, Color(colors[0])); } function getMood(colors: string[]): string { const avgSaturation = colors.reduce((sum, color) => sum + Color(color).saturationl(), 0) / colors.length; const avgLightness = colors.reduce((sum, color) => sum + Color(color).lightness(), 0) / colors.length; if (avgSaturation > 50 && avgLightness > 50) return 'Vibrant'; if (avgSaturation < 30 && avgLightness < 40) return 'Muted'; if (avgLightness > 70) return 'Bright'; if (avgLightness < 30) return 'Dark'; return ''; } function getTheme(dominantColor: Color): string { const hue = dominantColor.hue(); const themes = [ { name: 'Sunset', range: [0, 60] }, { name: 'Citrus', range: [45, 90] }, { name: 'Forest', range: [90, 150] }, { name: 'Ocean', range: [150, 210] }, { name: 'Twilight', range: [210, 270] }, { name: 'Lavender', range: [270, 330] }, { name: 'Berry', range: [330, 360] }, ]; const theme = themes.find(t => hue >= t.range[0] && hue < t.range[1]); return theme ? : ''; } function getRandomAdjective(color: Color): string { const adjectives = { warm: ['Cozy', 'Toasty', 'Snug'], cool: ['Crisp', 'Fresh', 'Breezy'], neutral: ['Balanced', 'Harmonious', 'Zen'], bright: ['Radiant', 'Luminous', 'Gleaming'], dark: ['Mysterious', 'Enigmatic', 'Shadowy'], }; const hue = color.hue(); const lightness = color.lightness(); let category: keyof typeof adjectives; if (hue < 60 || hue > 300) category = 'warm'; else if (hue >= 60 && hue <= 300) category = 'cool'; else if (lightness > 70) category = 'bright'; else if (lightness < 30) category = 'dark'; else category = 'neutral'; return adjectives[category][Math.floor(Math.random() * adjectives[category].length)]; } function generateRandomScheme(): ColorScheme { const colors = { primary: { background: generateRandomColor(), foreground: generateRandomColor() }, normal: { black: generateRandomColor(), red: generateRandomColor(), green: generateRandomColor(), yellow: generateRandomColor(), blue: generateRandomColor(), magenta: generateRandomColor(), cyan: generateRandomColor(), white: generateRandomColor() }, bright: { black: generateRandomColor(), red: generateRandomColor(), green: generateRandomColor(), yellow: generateRandomColor(), blue: generateRandomColor(), magenta: generateRandomColor(), cyan: generateRandomColor(), white: generateRandomColor() } }; colors.primary.background =; colors.primary.foreground = colors.bright.white; return { name: generateCreativeName({ ...colors.normal, ...colors.bright }), colors: colors }; } function mutateColor(color: string): string { const c = Color(color); const hue = (c.hue() + Math.random() * 30 - 15 + 360) % 360; const saturation = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, c.saturationl() + Math.random() * 20 - 10)); const lightness = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, c.lightness() + Math.random() * 20 - 10)); return c.hsl(hue, saturation, lightness).hex(); } function generateSchemeFromGeneticAlgorithm(likedSchemes: ColorScheme[], dislikedSchemes: ColorScheme[]): ColorScheme { if (likedSchemes.length === 0) { return generateRandomScheme(); } const parentScheme = likedSchemes[Math.floor(Math.random() * likedSchemes.length)]; const newScheme: ColorScheme = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(parentScheme)); // Deep copy // Mutate colors (Object.keys(newScheme.colors) as Array).forEach((colorGroup) => { Object.keys(newScheme.colors[colorGroup]).forEach((colorName) => { if (Math.random() < 0.3) { // 30% chance of mutation (newScheme.colors[colorGroup] as Record)[colorName] = mutateColor((newScheme.colors[colorGroup] as Record)[colorName]); } }); }); // Avoid similarities with disliked schemes dislikedSchemes.forEach(dislikedScheme => { (Object.keys(newScheme.colors) as Array).forEach((colorGroup) => { Object.keys(newScheme.colors[colorGroup]).forEach((colorName) => { if ((newScheme.colors[colorGroup] as Record)[colorName] === (dislikedScheme.colors[colorGroup] as Record)[colorName]) { (newScheme.colors[colorGroup] as Record)[colorName] = mutateColor((newScheme.colors[colorGroup] as Record)[colorName]); } }); }); }); = generateCreativeName({ ...newScheme.colors.normal, ...newScheme.colors.bright }); return newScheme; } export type { ColorScheme }; export { knownSchemes, generateRandomScheme, generateSchemeFromGeneticAlgorithm };