import pygame import math from enum import Enum # import pprint # from pygame import gfxdraw import numpy as np SIZE = (1000, 1000) LEFT_COLOR = "#606858" RIGHT_COLOR = "#F7F9F6" BLOCKS_SIZE = 10 PADDLE_LENGTH = 100 HALF_SPEED = 250 def draw_circle(surface, x, y, radius, color):, color, (x, y), radius) # AA Drawing # gfxdraw.aacircle(surface, x, y, radius, color) # gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, x, y, radius, color) def draw_rect(surface, topL, topT, width, height, color, corner_radius=0): pygame.draw.rect( surface, color, pygame.Rect(topL, topT, width, height), border_radius=corner_radius, ) def angle_arccos(v1, v2): y_diff = v2[1] - v1[1] x_diff = v2[0] - v1[0] angle = math.atan2(y_diff, x_diff) return angle def intersects(rect, r, center): circle_distance_x = abs(center[0] - rect.centerx) circle_distance_y = abs(center[1] - rect.centery) if circle_distance_x > rect.w / 2.0 + r or circle_distance_y > rect.h / 2.0 + r: return False if circle_distance_x <= rect.w / 2.0 or circle_distance_y <= rect.h / 2.0: return True corner_x = circle_distance_x - rect.w / 2.0 corner_y = circle_distance_y - rect.h / 2.0 corner_distance_sq = corner_x**2.0 + corner_y**2.0 return corner_distance_sq <= r**2.0 class TileType(Enum): PLAYER = 1 CPU = 2 class ObjectType(Enum): PLAYER = 1 CPU = 2 class Tile: def __init__(self, positionx, positiony, sidelength, color, tileType) -> None: self.x = positionx self.y = positiony self.length = sidelength self.rect = pygame.Rect(positionx, positiony, sidelength, sidelength) self.color = color self.tileType = tileType class Paddle: def __init__( self, startx, starty, length, depth, color, radius, initial_vel=300 ) -> None: self.x = startx self.y = starty self.length = length self.depth = depth self.vy = initial_vel self.color = color self.radius = radius self.elasticity = 0.08 def draw(self, screen): draw_rect( screen, self.x - (self.depth / 2), self.y - (self.length / 2), self.depth, self.length, self.color, corner_radius=self.radius, ) def move(self, dt): newy = self.y + (self.vy * dt) if (newy - self.length / 2 <= 0) or (newy + self.length / 2 >= SIZE[0]): return self.y = newy def set_vel(self, vel): self.vy = vel class Ball: def __init__(self, startx, starty, size, color, charType) -> None: self.x = startx self.y = starty self.radius = size self.color = pygame.Color(color) self.mass = 0.25 self.vx = 0 self.vy = 0 self.charType = charType self.speed = HALF_SPEED def draw(self, screen): draw_circle(screen, self.x, self.y, self.radius, self.color) def set_speed(self, speed): self.speed = speed def move(self, grid, object_grid, dt): # Pretend to move to new location newx = self.x + (self.vx * dt) newy = self.y + (self.vy * dt) # If we are at the top/bottom edge of the board, flip Y velocity if newy + self.radius >= SIZE[0] or newy - self.radius <= 0: self.vy = self.vy * -1.0 # Back wall # TODO: Make this a life or lose condition if newx + self.radius >= SIZE[0] or newx - self.radius <= 0: self.vx = self.vx * -1.0 grid_x = math.floor(newx / 100) grid_y = math.floor(newy / 100) candidates = [] if ( grid[grid_y][grid_x] == TileType.CPU and self.charType == ObjectType.PLAYER ) or ( grid[grid_y][grid_x] == TileType.PLAYER and self.charType == ObjectType.CPU ): candidates.append(object_grid[grid_y][grid_x]) if grid_x + 1 < BLOCKS_SIZE: if self.vx > 0: if ( grid[grid_y][grid_x + 1] == TileType.CPU and self.charType == ObjectType.PLAYER ) or ( grid[grid_y][grid_x + 1] == TileType.PLAYER and self.charType == ObjectType.CPU ): candidates.append(object_grid[grid_y][grid_x + 1]) if grid_x - 1 >= 0: if self.vx <= 0: if ( grid[grid_y][grid_x - 1] == TileType.CPU and self.charType == ObjectType.PLAYER ) or ( grid[grid_y][grid_x - 1] == TileType.PLAYER and self.charType == ObjectType.CPU ): candidates.append(object_grid[grid_y][grid_x - 1]) if grid_y + 1 < BLOCKS_SIZE: if self.vy > 0: if ( grid[grid_y + 1][grid_x] == TileType.CPU and self.charType == ObjectType.PLAYER ) or ( grid[grid_y + 1][grid_x] == TileType.PLAYER and self.charType == ObjectType.CPU ): candidates.append(object_grid[grid_y + 1][grid_x]) if grid_y - 1 >= 0: if self.vy <= 0: if ( grid[grid_y - 1][grid_x] == TileType.CPU and self.charType == ObjectType.PLAYER ) or ( grid[grid_y - 1][grid_x] == TileType.PLAYER and self.charType == ObjectType.CPU ): candidates.append(object_grid[grid_y - 1][grid_x]) for candidate in candidates: if intersects(candidate.rect, self.radius, (self.x, self.y)): if self.x >= candidate.x and self.x <= (candidate.x + candidate.length): if (candidate.y + candidate.length) < self.y: self.vy = self.vy * -1 if self.y < candidate.y: self.vy = self.vy * -1 if candidate.x > self.x: self.vx = self.vx * -1.0 if (candidate.x + candidate.length) < self.x: self.vx = self.vx * -1.0 if candidate.tileType == TileType.PLAYER: candidate.tileType = TileType.CPU candidate.color = RIGHT_COLOR else: candidate.tileType = TileType.PLAYER candidate.color = LEFT_COLOR tgrid_x = int(candidate.x / 100) tgrid_y = int(candidate.y / 100) if grid[tgrid_y][tgrid_x] == TileType.PLAYER: grid[tgrid_y][tgrid_x] = TileType.CPU else: grid[tgrid_y][tgrid_x] = TileType.PLAYER break self.x = self.x + (self.vx * dt) self.y = self.y + (self.vy * dt) # Fix speed if necessary: if abs(self.vx) < 3: if self.vx < 0: self.vx = -5 else: self.vx = 5 # Normalize to speed mag = math.sqrt((self.vx * self.vx) + (self.vy * self.vy)) if mag != 0: self.vx = (self.vx / mag) * self.speed self.vy = (self.vy / mag) * self.speed def perform_spawn_hit(self): forceX = np.random.uniform(low=-50.0, high=50.0) forceY = np.random.uniform(low=-50.0, high=50.0) # Impulse dv = (f * dt)/m # Assuming dt = 1 self.vx = (forceX) / self.mass self.vy = (forceY) / self.mass def ball_paddle_collide(ball: Ball, paddle: Paddle): pRect = pygame.Rect( paddle.x - paddle.depth / 2, paddle.y - paddle.length / 2, paddle.depth, paddle.length, ) collide = intersects(pRect, ball.radius, (ball.x, ball.y)) if collide: ball.vx = (ball.vx * -1) # Depending on where the ball hit on the paddle # relative to the center, add more or less vy mag = (ball.y - paddle.y) / (paddle.length * 1.25) ball.vy = ball.vy + (mag * 50) return True return False pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SIZE) clock = pygame.time.Clock() running = True dt = 0 ball_pos_left = pygame.Vector2(screen.get_width() / 4, screen.get_height() / 2) ball_pos_right = pygame.Vector2((screen.get_width() / 4) * 3, screen.get_height() / 2) left_ball = Ball(ball_pos_left.x, ball_pos_left.y, 10, RIGHT_COLOR, ObjectType.PLAYER) right_ball = Ball(ball_pos_right.x, ball_pos_right.y, 10, LEFT_COLOR, ObjectType.CPU) p1 = Paddle(20, screen.get_height() / 2, PADDLE_LENGTH, 20, RIGHT_COLOR, 5, 300) p2 = Paddle( screen.get_width() - 20, screen.get_height() / 2, PADDLE_LENGTH, 20, LEFT_COLOR, 5, 300, ) p1score = 0 p2score = 0 grid = [[] * BLOCKS_SIZE] LENGTH = BLOCKS_SIZE A = TileType.PLAYER B = TileType.CPU # Initialize the 2D array with zeros grid = [[0 for _ in range(LENGTH)] for _ in range(LENGTH)] # Determine the midpoint of the array midpoint = LENGTH // 2 # Fill the first half of the array with value A for i in range(midpoint): for j in range(LENGTH): grid[j][i] = A # Fill the second half of the grid with value B for i in range(midpoint, LENGTH): for j in range(LENGTH): grid[j][i] = B object_grid = [[0 for _ in range(LENGTH)] for _ in range(LENGTH)] for i in range(LENGTH): for j in range(LENGTH): if grid[j][i] == TileType.PLAYER: object_grid[j][i] = Tile(i * 100, j * 100, 100, LEFT_COLOR, TileType.PLAYER) else: object_grid[j][i] = Tile(i * 100, j * 100, 100, RIGHT_COLOR, TileType.CPU) BACKGROUND_RIGHT = pygame.Rect( screen.get_width() / 2, 0, screen.get_width() / 2, screen.get_height() ) while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # Render grid for i in range(LENGTH): for j in range(LENGTH): t = object_grid[j][i] draw_rect(screen, t.rect.x, t.rect.y, t.rect.width, t.rect.height, t.color) # Draw ball left_ball.draw(screen) right_ball.draw(screen) p1.draw(screen) p2.draw(screen) # input handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False p1.set_vel(0) p2.set_vel(0) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_w]: p1.set_vel(-300.0) if keys[pygame.K_s]: p1.set_vel(300.0) if keys[pygame.K_i]: p2.set_vel(-300.0) if keys[pygame.K_k]: p2.set_vel(300.0) if keys[pygame.K_h]: left_ball.perform_spawn_hit() right_ball.perform_spawn_hit() if keys[pygame.K_q]: running = False # Movement and physics left_ball.move(grid, object_grid, dt) right_ball.move(grid, object_grid, dt) p1.move(dt) p2.move(dt) ball_paddle_collide(left_ball, p1) ball_paddle_collide(right_ball, p2) # Compute Score p1score = 0 p2score = 0 for i in grid: for j in i: if j == TileType.PLAYER: p1score += 1 else: p2score += 1 # if your score is higher, your ball is faster left_ball.set_speed(HALF_SPEED * (p1score/50.0)) right_ball.set_speed(HALF_SPEED * (p2score/50.0)) pygame.display.flip() dt = clock.tick(60) / 1000 print("\x1b[1A\x1b[2K", end="") print(f"scores -> \t {p1score} ({left_ball.speed}, ({left_ball.vx}, {left_ball.vy}) \t {p2score} ({right_ball.speed}, {right_ball.vx})") pygame.quit()