249 lines
6.3 KiB
249 lines
6.3 KiB
import io
import json
import os
import pickle
import threading
import time
import uuid
from enum import Enum
import pandas as pd
import requests
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request, redirect, make_response
app = Flask(__name__)
TREASURY_URL = "https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/daily-treasury-rates.csv/2024/all?type=daily_treasury_yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value=2024&page&_format=csv"
CURRENT_DATE = 20240524 # Set to friday since market is closed
RATES = None
class Side(str, Enum):
# Since we know all the types of treasuries, just enumerate them
class Instrument(str, Enum):
I_1MO = "1 Mo"
I_2MO = "2 Mo"
I_3MO = "3 Mo"
I_4MO = "4 Mo"
I_6MO = "6 Mo"
I_1YR = "1 Yr"
I_2YR = "2 Yr"
I_3YR = "3 Yr"
I_5YR = "5 Yr"
I_7YR = "7 Yr"
I_10YR = "10 Yr"
I_20YR = "12 Yr"
I_30YR = "30 Yr"
def from_text(cls, txt):
if txt == "1 Mo":
return Instrument.I_1MO
elif txt == "2 Mo":
return Instrument.I_2MO
elif txt == "3 Mo":
return Instrument.I_3MO
elif txt == "4 Mo":
return Instrument.I_4MO
elif txt == "6 Mo":
return Instrument.I_6MO
elif txt == "1 Yr":
return Instrument.I_1YR
elif txt == "2 Yr":
return Instrument.I_2YR
elif txt == "3 Yr":
return Instrument.I_3YR
elif txt == "5 Yr":
return Instrument.I_5YR
elif txt == "7 Yr":
return Instrument.I_7YR
elif txt == "10 Yr":
return Instrument.I_20YR
elif txt == "12 Yr":
return Instrument.I_20YR
return Instrument.I_30YR
class Transaction:
def __init__(
self, user: str, instrument: Instrument, quantity: int, date: int, side: Side, rate: float
self.user = user
self.instrument: str = str(instrument.value)
self.side: str = str(side.value)
self.quantity = quantity
self.date = date
self.rate = rate
class User:
def __init__(self, balance: int = 100000) -> None:
self.ID = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.balance = balance
USERS: dict[str, User] = {}
TRANSACTIONS: dict[str, list[Transaction]] = {}
def background_saver():
while True:
with open("users.p", "wb") as fp:
pickle.dump(USERS, fp)
with open("transactions.p", "wb") as fp:
pickle.dump(TRANSACTIONS, fp)
def get_treasury_rates_for_year(year: int) -> pd.DataFrame | None:
global RATES
use_cache = False
if RATES is None:
if os.path.isfile("./cache.csv"):
if time.time() - os.path.getmtime("./cache.csv") < 60000:
use_cache = True
use_cache = True
if use_cache:
csv: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv("./cache.csv")
RATES = csv
response = requests.get(TREASURY_URL)
raw_csv = response.content.decode("UTF-8")
csv_io = io.StringIO(raw_csv)
csv: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(csv_io)
csv.to_csv("./cache.csv", index=False)
RATES = csv
ret = {}
cols = list(RATES.columns.values)
for col in cols:
ret[col] = RATES[col].tolist()
dates = ret["Date"]
del ret["Date"]
return ret, dates
def get_transactions_for_user(id):
t = TRANSACTIONS.get(id)
if t is None:
return jsonify([])
return jsonify([{"term": tx.instrument, "quantity": tx.quantity, "side": tx.side, "date": tx.date, "rate": tx.rate} for tx in t])
@app.route("/api/buy", methods=["POST"])
def buy():
content = request.json
q = int(content["quantity"])
i = content["instrument"]
user_id = content["user_id"]
cost = q * 100
if USERS.get(user_id) is not None:
if cost > USERS[user_id].balance:
return "You do not have the funds for this transaction", 400
return "User does not exist", 404
current_rate = RATES[i].tolist()[-1]
USERS[user_id].balance = USERS[user_id].balance - cost
t = Transaction(user_id, Instrument.from_text(i), q, time.time(), Side.BUY, current_rate)
if TRANSACTIONS.get(user_id) is None:
TRANSACTIONS[user_id] = [t]
return jsonify(t)
@app.route("/api/login", methods=["POST"])
def login():
content = request.json
id = content.get("id")
if id is None:
return "ID cannot be empty", 400
u = USERS.get(id)
if u is None:
return "User does not exist", 404
resp = make_response(redirect("/"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", u.ID)
return resp
@app.route("/api/createuser", methods=["POST"])
def createuser():
u = User()
USERS[u.ID] = u
resp = make_response(redirect("/"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", u.ID)
return resp
def register():
if "userid" in request.cookies:
return redirect("/")
return render_template("register.html")
def logout():
if "userid" not in request.cookies:
return redirect("/register")
resp = make_response(redirect("/register"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", "", expires=0)
return resp
def index():
if "userid" not in request.cookies:
return redirect("/register")
uid = request.cookies.get("userid")
if uid not in USERS:
resp = make_response(redirect("/register"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", "", expires=0)
return resp
rates, dates = get_treasury_rates_for_year(2024)
return render_template("index.html", rates=[rates], dates=dates, userid=uid, balance=USERS[uid].balance)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load up files if they exist
if os.path.isfile("./users.p"):
print("Loading users")
with open("./users.p", "rb") as fp:
USERS = pickle.load(fp)
if os.path.isfile("./transactions.p"):
print("Loading transactions")
with open("./transactions.p", "rb") as fp:
TRANSACTIONS = pickle.load(fp)
# Start persistence
thread = threading.Thread(target=background_saver)
# Start Server
thread = threading.Thread(target=background_saver)