
250 lines
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2024-05-25 20:14:56 -04:00
import io
import json
import os
import pickle
import threading
import time
import uuid
from enum import Enum
import pandas as pd
import requests
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request, redirect, make_response
app = Flask(__name__)
TREASURY_URL = "https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/daily-treasury-rates.csv/2024/all?type=daily_treasury_yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value=2024&page&_format=csv"
CURRENT_DATE = 20240524 # Set to friday since market is closed
RATES = None
class Side(str, Enum):
# Since we know all the types of treasuries, just enumerate them
class Instrument(str, Enum):
I_1MO = "1 Mo"
I_2MO = "2 Mo"
I_3MO = "3 Mo"
I_4MO = "4 Mo"
I_6MO = "6 Mo"
I_1YR = "1 Yr"
I_2YR = "2 Yr"
I_3YR = "3 Yr"
I_5YR = "5 Yr"
I_7YR = "7 Yr"
I_10YR = "10 Yr"
I_20YR = "12 Yr"
I_30YR = "30 Yr"
def from_text(cls, txt):
if txt == "1 Mo":
return Instrument.I_1MO
elif txt == "2 Mo":
return Instrument.I_2MO
elif txt == "3 Mo":
return Instrument.I_3MO
elif txt == "4 Mo":
return Instrument.I_4MO
elif txt == "6 Mo":
return Instrument.I_6MO
elif txt == "1 Yr":
return Instrument.I_1YR
elif txt == "2 Yr":
return Instrument.I_2YR
elif txt == "3 Yr":
return Instrument.I_3YR
elif txt == "5 Yr":
return Instrument.I_5YR
elif txt == "7 Yr":
return Instrument.I_7YR
elif txt == "10 Yr":
return Instrument.I_20YR
elif txt == "12 Yr":
return Instrument.I_20YR
return Instrument.I_30YR
class Transaction:
def __init__(
self, user: str, instrument: Instrument, quantity: int, date: int, side: Side, rate: float
self.user = user
self.instrument: str = str(instrument.value)
self.side: str = str(side.value)
self.quantity = quantity
self.date = date
self.rate = rate
class User:
def __init__(self, balance: int = 100000) -> None:
self.ID = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.balance = balance
USERS: dict[str, User] = {}
TRANSACTIONS: dict[str, list[Transaction]] = {}
def background_saver():
while True:
with open("users.p", "wb") as fp:
pickle.dump(USERS, fp)
with open("transactions.p", "wb") as fp:
pickle.dump(TRANSACTIONS, fp)
def get_treasury_rates_for_year(year: int) -> pd.DataFrame | None:
global RATES
use_cache = False
if RATES is None:
if os.path.isfile("./cache.csv"):
if time.time() - os.path.getmtime("./cache.csv") < 60000:
use_cache = True
use_cache = True
if use_cache:
csv: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv("./cache.csv")
RATES = csv
response = requests.get(TREASURY_URL)
raw_csv = response.content.decode("UTF-8")
csv_io = io.StringIO(raw_csv)
csv: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(csv_io)
csv.to_csv("./cache.csv", index=False)
RATES = csv
ret = {}
cols = list(RATES.columns.values)
for col in cols:
ret[col] = RATES[col].tolist()
dates = ret["Date"]
del ret["Date"]
return ret, dates
def get_transactions_for_user(id):
t = TRANSACTIONS.get(id)
if t is None:
return jsonify([])
return jsonify([{"term": tx.instrument, "quantity": tx.quantity, "side": tx.side, "date": tx.date, "rate": tx.rate} for tx in t])
@app.route("/api/buy", methods=["POST"])
def buy():
content = request.json
q = int(content["quantity"])
i = content["instrument"]
user_id = content["user_id"]
cost = q * 100
if USERS.get(user_id) is not None:
if cost > USERS[user_id].balance:
return "You do not have the funds for this transaction", 400
return "User does not exist", 404
current_rate = RATES[i].tolist()[-1]
USERS[user_id].balance = USERS[user_id].balance - cost
t = Transaction(user_id, Instrument.from_text(i), q, time.time(), Side.BUY, current_rate)
if TRANSACTIONS.get(user_id) is None:
TRANSACTIONS[user_id] = [t]
2024-05-25 20:32:50 -04:00
tx = t
return jsonify({"term": tx.instrument, "quantity": tx.quantity, "side": tx.side, "date": tx.date, "rate": tx.rate})
2024-05-25 20:14:56 -04:00
@app.route("/api/login", methods=["POST"])
def login():
content = request.json
id = content.get("id")
if id is None:
return "ID cannot be empty", 400
u = USERS.get(id)
if u is None:
return "User does not exist", 404
resp = make_response(redirect("/"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", u.ID)
return resp
@app.route("/api/createuser", methods=["POST"])
def createuser():
u = User()
USERS[u.ID] = u
resp = make_response(redirect("/"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", u.ID)
return resp
def register():
if "userid" in request.cookies:
return redirect("/")
return render_template("register.html")
def logout():
if "userid" not in request.cookies:
return redirect("/register")
resp = make_response(redirect("/register"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", "", expires=0)
return resp
def index():
if "userid" not in request.cookies:
return redirect("/register")
uid = request.cookies.get("userid")
if uid not in USERS:
resp = make_response(redirect("/register"))
resp.set_cookie("userid", "", expires=0)
return resp
rates, dates = get_treasury_rates_for_year(2024)
return render_template("index.html", rates=[rates], dates=dates, userid=uid, balance=USERS[uid].balance)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load up files if they exist
if os.path.isfile("./users.p"):
print("Loading users")
with open("./users.p", "rb") as fp:
USERS = pickle.load(fp)
if os.path.isfile("./transactions.p"):
print("Loading transactions")
with open("./transactions.p", "rb") as fp:
TRANSACTIONS = pickle.load(fp)
# Start persistence
thread = threading.Thread(target=background_saver)
# Start Server
2024-05-25 20:25:02 -04:00
app.run(host='', port=8008)
2024-05-25 20:14:56 -04:00
thread = threading.Thread(target=background_saver)