Foldsite is a dynamic site generator built with Python and Flask. It allows you to create and manage a website using Markdown content, HTML templates, and CSS styles.
## Table of Contents
- [Foldsite](#foldsite)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Template Setup](#template-setup)
- [Site Setup](#site-setup)
- [Style Setup](#style-setup)
- [Template and Style Search](#template-and-style-search)
- [How a Template is Written](#how-a-template-is-written)
- [Jinja Primer](#jinja-primer)
- [Added Tools for the Template](#added-tools-for-the-template)
- [Tool Input and Return Types](#tool-input-and-return-types)
The configuration file is written in TOML format and contains various settings for the application. Below is an example configuration file (`config.toml`):
content_dir = "example/content"
templates_dir = "templates"
styles_dir = "styles"
listen_address = ""
listen_port = 8080
debug = false
access_log = true
max_threads = 4
admin_browser = false
admin_password = "your_admin_password"
## Template Setup
Templates are HTML files that define the structure of your web pages. They are stored in the `templates` directory. Each template can include other templates and use Jinja2 syntax for dynamic content.
## Site Setup
The site content is stored in the `content` directory. Each Markdown file represents a page on your site. The directory structure of the `content` directory determines the URL structure of your site.
## Style Setup
Styles are CSS files that define the appearance of your web pages. They are stored in the `styles` directory. You can create specific styles for different types of content and categories.
## Template and Style Search
Templates and styles are searched in a specific order to apply the most specific styles first, followed by more general styles, and finally the base style.
## How a Template is Written
Templates are written in HTML and use Jinja2 syntax for dynamic content. Below is an example template (`base.html`):
Jinja2 is a templating engine for Python. It allows you to include dynamic content in your HTML templates. Below are some basic Jinja2 syntax examples:
- Variables: `{{ variable }}`
- Loops: `{% for item in list %} ... {% endfor %}`
- Conditionals: `{% if condition %} ... {% endif %}`
- Includes: `{% include 'template.html' %}`
## Added Tools for the Template
Foldsite provides additional tools for templates, such as functions to get sibling content files, text document previews, and folder contents.