2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
from flask import Flask , send_from_directory , request
2024-09-26 13:38:25 -04:00
from flask_socketio import SocketIO , emit
from flask_openapi3 import OpenAPI , Info
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
from models import model_manager
import structlog
import time
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import psutil
import GPUtil
import threading
import os
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from tools import DefaultToolManager
import ollama
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime
import pprint
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logger = structlog . get_logger ( )
2024-09-23 18:20:00 -04:00
2024-09-26 13:38:25 -04:00
openapi = OpenAPI ( __name__ , info = Info ( title = " LLM Chat Server " , version = " 1.0.0 " ) )
app = openapi
socketio = SocketIO ( app , cors_allowed_origins = " * " )
2024-09-23 18:20:00 -04:00
2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
tool_manager = DefaultToolManager ( )
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@app.route ( ' / ' )
def index ( ) :
logger . info ( " Serving index.html " )
return send_from_directory ( ' . ' , ' index.html ' )
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2024-09-26 13:38:25 -04:00
class ChatRequest ( BaseModel ) :
message : str
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class ChatResponse ( BaseModel ) :
response : str
@socketio.on ( ' chat_request ' )
def handle_chat_request ( data ) :
user_input = data [ ' message ' ]
2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
conversation_history = data . get ( ' conversation_history ' , [ ] )
conversation_history = [ { " role " : " system " , " content " : ANSWER_QUESTION_PROMPT } ] + conversation_history
logger . info ( " Received chat request " , user_input = user_input , conversation_history = conversation_history )
2024-09-26 13:38:25 -04:00
start_time = time . time ( )
try :
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final_response = answer_question_tools ( user_input , conversation_history )
2024-09-26 13:38:25 -04:00
end_time = time . time ( )
thinking_time = round ( end_time - start_time , 2 )
emit ( ' chat_response ' , {
' response ' : final_response ,
' thinking_time ' : thinking_time
} )
except Exception as e :
logger . exception ( " Error during chat processing " , error = str ( e ) )
end_time = time . time ( )
thinking_time = round ( end_time - start_time , 2 )
emit ( ' error ' , {
' message ' : f " An error occurred: { str ( e ) } " ,
' thinking_time ' : thinking_time
} )
2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
def answer_question_tools ( user_input : str , conversation_history : List [ dict ] , max_retries : int = 100 ) :
global tool_manager
# If conversation_history is empty, initialize it with the system prompt
if not conversation_history :
conversation_history = [
{ " role " : " system " , " content " : ANSWER_QUESTION_PROMPT } ,
logger . info ( " Starting chat " , user_input = user_input , conversation_history = conversation_history )
# Add the new user input to the conversation history
conversation_history . append ( { " role " : " user " , " content " : user_input } )
emit ( ' thinking ' , { ' step ' : ' Starting ' } )
emit ( ' conversation_history ' , { ' history ' : conversation_history } )
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2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
for iteration in range ( max_retries ) :
response = ollama . chat ( model = PRIMARY_MODEL , messages = conversation_history , tools = tool_manager . get_tools_for_ollama_dict ( ) , stream = False )
assistant_message = response [ ' message ' ]
conversation_history . append ( assistant_message )
emit ( ' conversation_history ' , { ' history ' : conversation_history } )
pprint . pp ( assistant_message )
if ' tool_calls ' in assistant_message :
emit ( ' thought ' , { ' type ' : ' decision ' , ' content ' : " Tool Call \n \n " + assistant_message [ ' content ' ] } )
for tool_call in assistant_message [ ' tool_calls ' ] :
tool_name = tool_call [ ' function ' ] [ ' name ' ]
tool_args = tool_call [ ' function ' ] [ ' arguments ' ]
emit ( ' thought ' , { ' type ' : ' tool_call ' , ' content ' : f " Tool: { tool_name } \n Arguments: { tool_args } " } )
tool_response = tool_manager . get_tool ( tool_name ) . execute ( tool_args )
conversation_history . append ( {
" role " : " tool " ,
" content " : tool_response
} )
emit ( ' conversation_history ' , { ' history ' : conversation_history } )
emit ( ' thought ' , { ' type ' : ' tool_result ' , ' content ' : tool_response } )
reflection_prompt = " Reflect on the tool results. If there were any errors, propose multiple alternative approaches to solve the problem. If successful, consider if the result fully answers the user ' s query or if additional steps are needed. "
conversation_history . append ( {
" role " : " assistant " ,
" content " : reflection_prompt
} )
emit ( ' conversation_history ' , { ' history ' : conversation_history } )
else :
if " <answer> " in assistant_message [ ' content ' ] . lower ( ) :
answer_content = re . search ( r ' <answer>(.*?)</answer> ' , assistant_message [ ' content ' ] , re . DOTALL )
if answer_content :
final_answer = answer_content . group ( 1 ) . strip ( )
emit ( ' thought ' , { ' type ' : ' answer ' , ' content ' : final_answer } )
return final_answer
else :
emit ( ' thought ' , { ' type ' : ' decision ' , ' content ' : " Think/Plan/Decision/Action \n \n " + assistant_message [ ' content ' ] } )
reflection_prompt = " Your last response didn ' t provide a final answer. Please reflect on your current understanding of the problem and consider if you need to use any tools or if you can now provide a final answer. If you ' re ready to give a final answer, put your response in tags <answer></answer> "
conversation_history . append ( { " role " : " assistant " , " content " : reflection_prompt } )
emit ( ' conversation_history ' , { ' history ' : conversation_history } )
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2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
return f " Max iterations reached. Last response: { assistant_message [ ' content ' ] } "
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2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
The current date is { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % A, % B %d , % Y " ) } , your knowledge cutoff was December 2023.
You are Dewey , an AI assistant with access to external tools and the ability to think through complex problems . Your role is to assist users by leveraging tools when necessary , thinking deeply about problems , and providing accurate and helpful information , all with a cheerful , but witty personality . Here are the tools available to you :
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{ tool_manager . get_tools_and_descriptions_for_prompt ( ) }
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2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
When addressing a query , follow these steps :
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1. Analyze : Thoroughly analyze the query and consider multiple approaches to solving it .
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2. Plan : Develop a plan of action , considering whether you need to use any tools or if you can answer directly .
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3. Execute : If you need to use a tool , call it as you would a function . If not , proceed with your reasoning .
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4. Reflect : After each step or tool use , reflect on the results :
- If successful , consider if the result fully answers the user ' s query or if additional steps are needed.
- If there were errors or the result is unsatisfactory , don ' t give up! Use Tree of Thoughts reasoning:
a ) Generate multiple alternative approaches or modifications to your previous approach .
b ) Briefly evaluate the potential of each alternative .
c ) Choose the most promising alternative and execute it .
d ) Repeat this process if needed , building upon your growing understanding of the problem .
e ) You cannot return a final answer after an error using a tool , you must try again .
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5. Iterate : Continue this process of execution and reflection , exploring different branches of thought as needed .
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6. Conclude : When you believe you have a comprehensive answer to the user ' s query, provide your final answer.
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Always explain your thought process , including your reasoning for each decision and how you arrived at your conclusions . If you ' re providing a final answer, put your response in tags <answer></answer>.
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2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
Remember , complex problems often require multiple steps and iterations . Don ' t hesitate to break down the problem, use tools multiple times, or explore different approaches to arrive at the best solution.
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PRIMARY_MODEL = " llama3.1:8b "
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2024-09-26 17:01:00 -04:00
UPDATE_INTERVAL = 0.1 # 100ms, configurable
def get_system_resources ( ) :
cpu_load = psutil . cpu_percent ( )
memory = psutil . virtual_memory ( )
memory_usage = memory . percent
disk_io = psutil . disk_io_counters ( )
disk_read = disk_io . read_bytes
disk_write = disk_io . write_bytes
gpus = GPUtil . getGPUs ( )
gpu_load = gpus [ 0 ] . load * 100 if gpus else 0
gpu_memory = gpus [ 0 ] . memoryUtil * 100 if gpus else 0
return {
' cpu_load ' : cpu_load ,
' memory_usage ' : memory_usage ,
' disk_read ' : disk_read ,
' disk_write ' : disk_write ,
' gpu_load ' : gpu_load ,
' gpu_memory ' : gpu_memory
def send_system_resources ( ) :
last_disk_read = 0
last_disk_write = 0
while True :
resources = get_system_resources ( )
# Calculate disk I/O rates
disk_read_rate = ( resources [ ' disk_read ' ] - last_disk_read ) / UPDATE_INTERVAL
disk_write_rate = ( resources [ ' disk_write ' ] - last_disk_write ) / UPDATE_INTERVAL
socketio . emit ( ' system_resources ' , {
' cpu_load ' : resources [ ' cpu_load ' ] ,
' memory_usage ' : resources [ ' memory_usage ' ] ,
' disk_read_rate ' : disk_read_rate ,
' disk_write_rate ' : disk_write_rate ,
' gpu_load ' : resources [ ' gpu_load ' ] ,
' gpu_memory ' : resources [ ' gpu_memory ' ]
} )
last_disk_read = resources [ ' disk_read ' ]
last_disk_write = resources [ ' disk_write ' ]
time . sleep ( UPDATE_INTERVAL )
2024-09-26 13:38:25 -04:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
logger . info ( " Starting LLM Chat Server " )
2024-09-26 17:01:00 -04:00
threading . Thread ( target = send_system_resources , daemon = True ) . start ( )
2024-09-29 12:18:44 -04:00
socketio . run ( app , debug = True , host = " " , port = 5001 )