import geopy.distance import overpy from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString import folium from math import radians, cos, sin, sqrt, atan2, asin from decimal import Decimal import pandas as pd R =6371 def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): return geopy.distance.geodesic((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)).m def get_subline(points, length): subline = [] subline_length = 0 # Iterate through the points and add them to the subline until its length is equal to or greater than the desired length for i in range(len(points) - 1): p1 = points[i] p2 = points[i+1] segment_length = distance(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) #print(f"Points {p1} -> {p2} : Distance {segment_length}") # If adding the current segment would make the subline too long, interpolate a point on the segment and add that instead if subline_length + segment_length > length: remaining_length = length - subline_length ratio = Decimal(remaining_length / segment_length) subline.append(p1) subline.append((Decimal(p1[0]) + (Decimal(p2[0]) - Decimal(p1[0])) * ratio, p1[1] + (p2[1] - p1[1]) * ratio)) return subline subline.append(p1) subline_length += segment_length # If we get to the end of the line and still haven't reached the desired length, just return the whole line subline.append(points[-1]) return subline df = pd.read_csv('data2.csv') clat = df['Latitude Point'][0] clon = df['Longitude Point'][0] m = folium.Map(location=[clat, clon], zoom_start=20) api = overpy.Overpass() iters = 0 for index, row in df.iterrows(): print(row) lat = row['Latitude Point'] lon = row['Longitude Point'] length = row['Sidewalk Shed/Linear Feet'] * 0.3048 # coordinates and length of line in feet #lat = 40.68941 #lon = -73.97881 #length = 260 # convert lat/lon to Point object coords = Point(lat, lon) # use overpass API to get nearest sidewalk result = api.query(f'way["highway"="footway"](around:100,{lat},{lon});out;') if len(result.ways) == 0: continue sidewalk_coords = [(, node.lon) for node in result.ways[0].get_nodes(resolve_missing=True)] # create LineString object from sidewalk coordinates new_line = get_subline(sidewalk_coords, length) # create folium map centered at given coordinates map_center = [lat, lon] # add sidewalk and line to map folium.PolyLine(sidewalk_coords, color='orange', weight=10).add_to(m) for i in sidewalk_coords: folium.CircleMarker(location=[i[0], i[1]], radius=2, weight=5, tooltip=f"{i[0]}, {i[1]}").add_to(m) folium.PolyLine(new_line, color='red').add_to(m) iters = iters + 1 if iters%50 == 0:'your_map.html') # show map'your_map.html')