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2024-10-16 19:37:45 -04:00
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import typing as t
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import auto
from enum import Enum
from ..datastructures import Headers
from ..exceptions import RequestEntityTooLarge
from ..http import parse_options_header
class Event:
class Preamble(Event):
data: bytes
class Field(Event):
name: str
headers: Headers
class File(Event):
name: str
filename: str
headers: Headers
class Data(Event):
data: bytes
more_data: bool
class Epilogue(Event):
data: bytes
class NeedData(Event):
NEED_DATA = NeedData()
class State(Enum):
PREAMBLE = auto()
PART = auto()
DATA = auto()
DATA_START = auto()
EPILOGUE = auto()
COMPLETE = auto()
# Multipart line breaks MUST be CRLF (\r\n) by RFC-7578, except that
# many implementations break this and either use CR or LF alone.
LINE_BREAK = b"(?:\r\n|\n|\r)"
BLANK_LINE_RE = re.compile(b"(?:\r\n\r\n|\r\r|\n\n)", re.MULTILINE)
# Header values can be continued via a space or tab after the linebreak, as
# per RFC2231
# This must be long enough to contain any line breaks plus any
# additional boundary markers (--) such that they will be found in a
# subsequent search
class MultipartDecoder:
"""Decodes a multipart message as bytes into Python events.
The part data is returned as available to allow the caller to save
the data from memory to disk, if desired.
def __init__(
boundary: bytes,
max_form_memory_size: int | None = None,
max_parts: int | None = None,
) -> None:
self.buffer = bytearray()
self.complete = False
self.max_form_memory_size = max_form_memory_size
self.max_parts = max_parts
self.state = State.PREAMBLE
self.boundary = boundary
# Note in the below \h i.e. horizontal whitespace is used
# as [^\S\n\r] as \h isn't supported in python.
# The preamble must end with a boundary where the boundary is
# prefixed by a line break, RFC2046. Except that many
# implementations including Werkzeug's tests omit the line
# break prefix. In addition the first boundary could be the
# epilogue boundary (for empty form-data) hence the matching
# group to understand if it is an epilogue boundary.
self.preamble_re = re.compile(
% (LINE_BREAK, re.escape(boundary), LINE_BREAK, LINE_BREAK),
# A boundary must include a line break prefix and suffix, and
# may include trailing whitespace. In addition the boundary
# could be the epilogue boundary hence the matching group to
# understand if it is an epilogue boundary.
self.boundary_re = re.compile(
% (LINE_BREAK, re.escape(boundary), LINE_BREAK, LINE_BREAK),
self._search_position = 0
self._parts_decoded = 0
def last_newline(self, data: bytes) -> int:
last_nl = data.rindex(b"\n")
except ValueError:
last_nl = len(data)
last_cr = data.rindex(b"\r")
except ValueError:
last_cr = len(data)
return min(last_nl, last_cr)
def receive_data(self, data: bytes | None) -> None:
if data is None:
self.complete = True
elif (
self.max_form_memory_size is not None
and len(self.buffer) + len(data) > self.max_form_memory_size
raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
def next_event(self) -> Event:
event: Event = NEED_DATA
if self.state == State.PREAMBLE:
match = self.preamble_re.search(self.buffer, self._search_position)
if match is not None:
if match.group(1).startswith(b"--"):
self.state = State.EPILOGUE
self.state = State.PART
data = bytes(self.buffer[: match.start()])
del self.buffer[: match.end()]
event = Preamble(data=data)
self._search_position = 0
# Update the search start position to be equal to the
# current buffer length (already searched) minus a
# safe buffer for part of the search target.
self._search_position = max(
0, len(self.buffer) - len(self.boundary) - SEARCH_EXTRA_LENGTH
elif self.state == State.PART:
match = BLANK_LINE_RE.search(self.buffer, self._search_position)
if match is not None:
headers = self._parse_headers(self.buffer[: match.start()])
# The final header ends with a single CRLF, however a
# blank line indicates the start of the
# body. Therefore the end is after the first CRLF.
headers_end = (match.start() + match.end()) // 2
del self.buffer[:headers_end]
if "content-disposition" not in headers:
raise ValueError("Missing Content-Disposition header")
disposition, extra = parse_options_header(
name = t.cast(str, extra.get("name"))
filename = extra.get("filename")
if filename is not None:
event = File(
event = Field(
self.state = State.DATA_START
self._search_position = 0
self._parts_decoded += 1
if self.max_parts is not None and self._parts_decoded > self.max_parts:
raise RequestEntityTooLarge()
# Update the search start position to be equal to the
# current buffer length (already searched) minus a
# safe buffer for part of the search target.
self._search_position = max(0, len(self.buffer) - SEARCH_EXTRA_LENGTH)
elif self.state == State.DATA_START:
data, del_index, more_data = self._parse_data(self.buffer, start=True)
del self.buffer[:del_index]
event = Data(data=data, more_data=more_data)
if more_data:
self.state = State.DATA
elif self.state == State.DATA:
data, del_index, more_data = self._parse_data(self.buffer, start=False)
del self.buffer[:del_index]
if data or not more_data:
event = Data(data=data, more_data=more_data)
elif self.state == State.EPILOGUE and self.complete:
event = Epilogue(data=bytes(self.buffer))
del self.buffer[:]
self.state = State.COMPLETE
if self.complete and isinstance(event, NeedData):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid form-data cannot parse beyond {self.state}")
return event
def _parse_headers(self, data: bytes) -> Headers:
headers: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
# Merge the continued headers into one line
data = HEADER_CONTINUATION_RE.sub(b" ", data)
# Now there is one header per line
for line in data.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line != b"":
name, _, value = line.decode().partition(":")
headers.append((name.strip(), value.strip()))
return Headers(headers)
def _parse_data(self, data: bytes, *, start: bool) -> tuple[bytes, int, bool]:
# Body parts must start with CRLF (or CR or LF)
if start:
match = LINE_BREAK_RE.match(data)
data_start = t.cast(t.Match[bytes], match).end()
data_start = 0
boundary = b"--" + self.boundary
if self.buffer.find(boundary) == -1:
# No complete boundary in the buffer, but there may be
# a partial boundary at the end. As the boundary
# starts with either a nl or cr find the earliest and
# return up to that as data.
data_end = del_index = self.last_newline(data[data_start:]) + data_start
# If amount of data after last newline is far from
# possible length of partial boundary, we should
# assume that there is no partial boundary in the buffer
# and return all pending data.
if (len(data) - data_end) > len(b"\n" + boundary):
data_end = del_index = len(data)
more_data = True
match = self.boundary_re.search(data)
if match is not None:
if match.group(1).startswith(b"--"):
self.state = State.EPILOGUE
self.state = State.PART
data_end = match.start()
del_index = match.end()
data_end = del_index = self.last_newline(data[data_start:]) + data_start
more_data = match is None
return bytes(data[data_start:data_end]), del_index, more_data
class MultipartEncoder:
def __init__(self, boundary: bytes) -> None:
self.boundary = boundary
self.state = State.PREAMBLE
def send_event(self, event: Event) -> bytes:
if isinstance(event, Preamble) and self.state == State.PREAMBLE:
self.state = State.PART
return event.data
elif isinstance(event, (Field, File)) and self.state in {
data = b"\r\n--" + self.boundary + b"\r\n"
data += b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % event.name.encode()
if isinstance(event, File):
data += b'; filename="%s"' % event.filename.encode()
data += b"\r\n"
for name, value in t.cast(Field, event).headers:
if name.lower() != "content-disposition":
data += f"{name}: {value}\r\n".encode()
self.state = State.DATA_START
return data
elif isinstance(event, Data) and self.state == State.DATA_START:
self.state = State.DATA
if len(event.data) > 0:
return b"\r\n" + event.data
return event.data
elif isinstance(event, Data) and self.state == State.DATA:
return event.data
elif isinstance(event, Epilogue):
self.state = State.COMPLETE
return b"\r\n--" + self.boundary + b"--\r\n" + event.data
raise ValueError(f"Cannot generate {event} in state: {self.state}")