import io from ._common import * def transplant(exif_src, image, new_file=None): """ py:function:: piexif.transplant(filename1, filename2) Transplant exif from filename1 to filename2. :param str filename1: JPEG :param str filename2: JPEG """ if exif_src[0:2] == b"\xff\xd8": src_data = exif_src else: with open(exif_src, 'rb') as f: src_data = segments = split_into_segments(src_data) exif = get_exif_seg(segments) if exif is None: raise ValueError("not found exif in input") output_file = False if image[0:2] == b"\xff\xd8": image_data = image else: with open(image, 'rb') as f: image_data = output_file = True segments = split_into_segments(image_data) new_data = merge_segments(segments, exif) if isinstance(new_file, io.BytesIO): new_file.write(new_data) elif new_file: with open(new_file, "wb+") as f: f.write(new_data) elif output_file: with open(image, "wb+") as f: f.write(new_data) else: raise ValueError("Give a 3rd argument to 'transplant' to output file")