# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Binary input/output support routines.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# Copyright (c) 2012 by Brian Crowell
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.

"""Binary input/output support routines."""
from __future__ import annotations

from struct import pack, unpack_from

def i8(c: bytes) -> int:
    return c[0]

def o8(i: int) -> bytes:
    return bytes((i & 255,))

# Input, le = little endian, be = big endian
def i16le(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    Converts a 2-bytes (16 bits) string to an unsigned integer.

    :param c: string containing bytes to convert
    :param o: offset of bytes to convert in string
    return unpack_from("<H", c, o)[0]

def si16le(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    Converts a 2-bytes (16 bits) string to a signed integer.

    :param c: string containing bytes to convert
    :param o: offset of bytes to convert in string
    return unpack_from("<h", c, o)[0]

def si16be(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    Converts a 2-bytes (16 bits) string to a signed integer, big endian.

    :param c: string containing bytes to convert
    :param o: offset of bytes to convert in string
    return unpack_from(">h", c, o)[0]

def i32le(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    Converts a 4-bytes (32 bits) string to an unsigned integer.

    :param c: string containing bytes to convert
    :param o: offset of bytes to convert in string
    return unpack_from("<I", c, o)[0]

def si32le(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    Converts a 4-bytes (32 bits) string to a signed integer.

    :param c: string containing bytes to convert
    :param o: offset of bytes to convert in string
    return unpack_from("<i", c, o)[0]

def si32be(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    Converts a 4-bytes (32 bits) string to a signed integer, big endian.

    :param c: string containing bytes to convert
    :param o: offset of bytes to convert in string
    return unpack_from(">i", c, o)[0]

def i16be(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    return unpack_from(">H", c, o)[0]

def i32be(c: bytes, o: int = 0) -> int:
    return unpack_from(">I", c, o)[0]

# Output, le = little endian, be = big endian
def o16le(i: int) -> bytes:
    return pack("<H", i)

def o32le(i: int) -> bytes:
    return pack("<I", i)

def o16be(i: int) -> bytes:
    return pack(">H", i)

def o32be(i: int) -> bytes:
    return pack(">I", i)