2024-10-16 19:37:45 -04:00

142 lines
5.2 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
import warnings
from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError
from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref, datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime
from apscheduler.job import Job
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
import pickle
from bson.binary import Binary
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
from pymongo import MongoClient, ASCENDING
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
raise ImportError('MongoDBJobStore requires PyMongo installed')
class MongoDBJobStore(BaseJobStore):
Stores jobs in a MongoDB database. Any leftover keyword arguments are directly passed to
pymongo's `MongoClient
Plugin alias: ``mongodb``
:param str database: database to store jobs in
:param str collection: collection to store jobs in
:param client: a :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient` instance to use instead of
providing connection arguments
:param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the
highest available
def __init__(self, database='apscheduler', collection='jobs', client=None,
pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **connect_args):
super(MongoDBJobStore, self).__init__()
self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol
if not database:
raise ValueError('The "database" parameter must not be empty')
if not collection:
raise ValueError('The "collection" parameter must not be empty')
if client:
self.client = maybe_ref(client)
connect_args.setdefault('w', 1)
self.client = MongoClient(**connect_args)
self.collection = self.client[database][collection]
def start(self, scheduler, alias):
super(MongoDBJobStore, self).start(scheduler, alias)
self.collection.create_index('next_run_time', sparse=True)
def connection(self):
warnings.warn('The "connection" member is deprecated -- use "client" instead',
return self.client
def lookup_job(self, job_id):
document = self.collection.find_one(job_id, ['job_state'])
return self._reconstitute_job(document['job_state']) if document else None
def get_due_jobs(self, now):
timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now)
return self._get_jobs({'next_run_time': {'$lte': timestamp}})
def get_next_run_time(self):
document = self.collection.find_one({'next_run_time': {'$ne': None}},
sort=[('next_run_time', ASCENDING)])
return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(document['next_run_time']) if document else None
def get_all_jobs(self):
jobs = self._get_jobs({})
return jobs
def add_job(self, job):
'_id': job.id,
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': Binary(pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol))
except DuplicateKeyError:
raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
def update_job(self, job):
changes = {
'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
'job_state': Binary(pickle.dumps(job.__getstate__(), self.pickle_protocol))
result = self.collection.update_one({'_id': job.id}, {'$set': changes})
if result and result.matched_count == 0:
raise JobLookupError(job.id)
def remove_job(self, job_id):
result = self.collection.delete_one({'_id': job_id})
if result and result.deleted_count == 0:
raise JobLookupError(job_id)
def remove_all_jobs(self):
def shutdown(self):
def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state):
job_state = pickle.loads(job_state)
job = Job.__new__(Job)
job._scheduler = self._scheduler
job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
return job
def _get_jobs(self, conditions):
jobs = []
failed_job_ids = []
for document in self.collection.find(conditions, ['_id', 'job_state'],
sort=[('next_run_time', ASCENDING)]):
except BaseException:
self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it',
# Remove all the jobs we failed to restore
if failed_job_ids:
self.collection.delete_many({'_id': {'$in': failed_job_ids}})
return jobs
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (client=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client)