2024-10-16 19:37:45 -04:00

396 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import collections.abc as cabc
import string
import typing as t
from ._speedups import _escape_inner
except ImportError:
from ._native import _escape_inner
import typing_extensions as te
class _HasHTML(t.Protocol):
def __html__(self, /) -> str: ...
class _TPEscape(t.Protocol):
def __call__(self, s: t.Any, /) -> Markup: ...
def escape(s: t.Any, /) -> Markup:
"""Replace the characters ``&``, ``<``, ``>``, ``'``, and ``"`` in
the string with HTML-safe sequences. Use this if you need to display
text that might contain such characters in HTML.
If the object has an ``__html__`` method, it is called and the
return value is assumed to already be safe for HTML.
:param s: An object to be converted to a string and escaped.
:return: A :class:`Markup` string with the escaped text.
# If the object is already a plain string, skip __html__ check and string
# conversion. This is the most common use case.
# Use type(s) instead of s.__class__ because a proxy object may be reporting
# the __class__ of the proxied value.
if type(s) is str:
return Markup(_escape_inner(s))
if hasattr(s, "__html__"):
return Markup(s.__html__())
return Markup(_escape_inner(str(s)))
def escape_silent(s: t.Any | None, /) -> Markup:
"""Like :func:`escape` but treats ``None`` as the empty string.
Useful with optional values, as otherwise you get the string
``'None'`` when the value is ``None``.
>>> escape(None)
>>> escape_silent(None)
if s is None:
return Markup()
return escape(s)
def soft_str(s: t.Any, /) -> str:
"""Convert an object to a string if it isn't already. This preserves
a :class:`Markup` string rather than converting it back to a basic
string, so it will still be marked as safe and won't be escaped
>>> value = escape("<User 1>")
>>> value
Markup('&lt;User 1&gt;')
>>> escape(str(value))
Markup('&amp;lt;User 1&amp;gt;')
>>> escape(soft_str(value))
Markup('&lt;User 1&gt;')
if not isinstance(s, str):
return str(s)
return s
class Markup(str):
"""A string that is ready to be safely inserted into an HTML or XML
document, either because it was escaped or because it was marked
Passing an object to the constructor converts it to text and wraps
it to mark it safe without escaping. To escape the text, use the
:meth:`escape` class method instead.
>>> Markup("Hello, <em>World</em>!")
Markup('Hello, <em>World</em>!')
>>> Markup(42)
>>> Markup.escape("Hello, <em>World</em>!")
Markup('Hello &lt;em&gt;World&lt;/em&gt;!')
This implements the ``__html__()`` interface that some frameworks
use. Passing an object that implements ``__html__()`` will wrap the
output of that method, marking it safe.
>>> class Foo:
... def __html__(self):
... return '<a href="/foo">foo</a>'
>>> Markup(Foo())
Markup('<a href="/foo">foo</a>')
This is a subclass of :class:`str`. It has the same methods, but
escapes their arguments and returns a ``Markup`` instance.
>>> Markup("<em>%s</em>") % ("foo & bar",)
Markup('<em>foo &amp; bar</em>')
>>> Markup("<em>Hello</em> ") + "<foo>"
Markup('<em>Hello</em> &lt;foo&gt;')
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(
cls, object: t.Any = "", encoding: str | None = None, errors: str = "strict"
) -> te.Self:
if hasattr(object, "__html__"):
object = object.__html__()
if encoding is None:
return super().__new__(cls, object)
return super().__new__(cls, object, encoding, errors)
def __html__(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self
def __add__(self, value: str | _HasHTML, /) -> te.Self:
if isinstance(value, str) or hasattr(value, "__html__"):
return self.__class__(super().__add__(self.escape(value)))
return NotImplemented
def __radd__(self, value: str | _HasHTML, /) -> te.Self:
if isinstance(value, str) or hasattr(value, "__html__"):
return self.escape(value).__add__(self)
return NotImplemented
def __mul__(self, value: t.SupportsIndex, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().__mul__(value))
def __rmul__(self, value: t.SupportsIndex, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().__mul__(value))
def __mod__(self, value: t.Any, /) -> te.Self:
if isinstance(value, tuple):
# a tuple of arguments, each wrapped
value = tuple(_MarkupEscapeHelper(x, self.escape) for x in value)
elif hasattr(type(value), "__getitem__") and not isinstance(value, str):
# a mapping of arguments, wrapped
value = _MarkupEscapeHelper(value, self.escape)
# a single argument, wrapped with the helper and a tuple
value = (_MarkupEscapeHelper(value, self.escape),)
return self.__class__(super().__mod__(value))
def __repr__(self, /) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({super().__repr__()})"
def join(self, iterable: cabc.Iterable[str | _HasHTML], /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().join(map(self.escape, iterable)))
def split( # type: ignore[override]
self, /, sep: str | None = None, maxsplit: t.SupportsIndex = -1
) -> list[te.Self]:
return [self.__class__(v) for v in super().split(sep, maxsplit)]
def rsplit( # type: ignore[override]
self, /, sep: str | None = None, maxsplit: t.SupportsIndex = -1
) -> list[te.Self]:
return [self.__class__(v) for v in super().rsplit(sep, maxsplit)]
def splitlines( # type: ignore[override]
self, /, keepends: bool = False
) -> list[te.Self]:
return [self.__class__(v) for v in super().splitlines(keepends)]
def unescape(self, /) -> str:
"""Convert escaped markup back into a text string. This replaces
HTML entities with the characters they represent.
>>> Markup("Main &raquo; <em>About</em>").unescape()
'Main » <em>About</em>'
from html import unescape
return unescape(str(self))
def striptags(self, /) -> str:
""":meth:`unescape` the markup, remove tags, and normalize
whitespace to single spaces.
>>> Markup("Main &raquo;\t<em>About</em>").striptags()
'Main » About'
value = str(self)
# Look for comments then tags separately. Otherwise, a comment that
# contains a tag would end early, leaving some of the comment behind.
# keep finding comment start marks
while (start := value.find("<!--")) != -1:
# find a comment end mark beyond the start, otherwise stop
if (end := value.find("-->", start)) == -1:
value = f"{value[:start]}{value[end + 3:]}"
# remove tags using the same method
while (start := value.find("<")) != -1:
if (end := value.find(">", start)) == -1:
value = f"{value[:start]}{value[end + 1:]}"
# collapse spaces
value = " ".join(value.split())
return self.__class__(value).unescape()
def escape(cls, s: t.Any, /) -> te.Self:
"""Escape a string. Calls :func:`escape` and ensures that for
subclasses the correct type is returned.
rv = escape(s)
if rv.__class__ is not cls:
return cls(rv)
return rv # type: ignore[return-value]
def __getitem__(self, key: t.SupportsIndex | slice, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().__getitem__(key))
def capitalize(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().capitalize())
def title(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().title())
def lower(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().lower())
def upper(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().upper())
def replace(self, old: str, new: str, count: t.SupportsIndex = -1, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().replace(old, self.escape(new), count))
def ljust(self, width: t.SupportsIndex, fillchar: str = " ", /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().ljust(width, self.escape(fillchar)))
def rjust(self, width: t.SupportsIndex, fillchar: str = " ", /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().rjust(width, self.escape(fillchar)))
def lstrip(self, chars: str | None = None, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().lstrip(chars))
def rstrip(self, chars: str | None = None, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().rstrip(chars))
def center(self, width: t.SupportsIndex, fillchar: str = " ", /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().center(width, self.escape(fillchar)))
def strip(self, chars: str | None = None, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().strip(chars))
def translate(
table: cabc.Mapping[int, str | int | None], # type: ignore[override]
) -> str:
return self.__class__(super().translate(table))
def expandtabs(self, /, tabsize: t.SupportsIndex = 8) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().expandtabs(tabsize))
def swapcase(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().swapcase())
def zfill(self, width: t.SupportsIndex, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().zfill(width))
def casefold(self, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().casefold())
def removeprefix(self, prefix: str, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().removeprefix(prefix))
def removesuffix(self, suffix: str) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(super().removesuffix(suffix))
def partition(self, sep: str, /) -> tuple[te.Self, te.Self, te.Self]:
left, sep, right = super().partition(sep)
cls = self.__class__
return cls(left), cls(sep), cls(right)
def rpartition(self, sep: str, /) -> tuple[te.Self, te.Self, te.Self]:
left, sep, right = super().rpartition(sep)
cls = self.__class__
return cls(left), cls(sep), cls(right)
def format(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> te.Self:
formatter = EscapeFormatter(self.escape)
return self.__class__(formatter.vformat(self, args, kwargs))
def format_map(
mapping: cabc.Mapping[str, t.Any], # type: ignore[override]
) -> te.Self:
formatter = EscapeFormatter(self.escape)
return self.__class__(formatter.vformat(self, (), mapping))
def __html_format__(self, format_spec: str, /) -> te.Self:
if format_spec:
raise ValueError("Unsupported format specification for Markup.")
return self
class EscapeFormatter(string.Formatter):
__slots__ = ("escape",)
def __init__(self, escape: _TPEscape) -> None:
self.escape: _TPEscape = escape
def format_field(self, value: t.Any, format_spec: str) -> str:
if hasattr(value, "__html_format__"):
rv = value.__html_format__(format_spec)
elif hasattr(value, "__html__"):
if format_spec:
raise ValueError(
f"Format specifier {format_spec} given, but {type(value)} does not"
" define __html_format__. A class that defines __html__ must define"
" __html_format__ to work with format specifiers."
rv = value.__html__()
# We need to make sure the format spec is str here as
# otherwise the wrong callback methods are invoked.
rv = super().format_field(value, str(format_spec))
return str(self.escape(rv))
class _MarkupEscapeHelper:
"""Helper for :meth:`Markup.__mod__`."""
__slots__ = ("obj", "escape")
def __init__(self, obj: t.Any, escape: _TPEscape) -> None:
self.obj: t.Any = obj
self.escape: _TPEscape = escape
def __getitem__(self, key: t.Any, /) -> te.Self:
return self.__class__(self.obj[key], self.escape)
def __str__(self, /) -> str:
return str(self.escape(self.obj))
def __repr__(self, /) -> str:
return str(self.escape(repr(self.obj)))
def __int__(self, /) -> int:
return int(self.obj)
def __float__(self, /) -> float:
return float(self.obj)
def __getattr__(name: str) -> t.Any:
if name == "__version__":
import importlib.metadata
import warnings
"The '__version__' attribute is deprecated and will be removed in"
" MarkupSafe 3.1. Use feature detection, or"
' `importlib.metadata.version("markupsafe")`, instead.',
return importlib.metadata.version("markupsafe")
raise AttributeError(name)