able to comple with tex inspect

This commit is contained in:
Tanishq Dubey 2024-06-12 10:03:06 -04:00
parent 803d1e17ec
commit 913a0429bd
6 changed files with 2438 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
// ImGuiTexInspect, a texture inspector widget for dear imgui
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
#warning "Float texture read back is disabled on Emscripten"
#include "../imgui_tex_inspect_internal.h"
// ==========================================================================
// This file is largely based on:
// In the following section the ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init function has been
// changed to not rewrite global ImGui state. It has also been wrapped in a
// namespace to not clash with the main ImGui version. Aside from that this
// section is identical to the imgui original.
// It's reproduced here because none of this code is exposed in the ImGui API
// in a way that be reused (nor should it be).
// Search for "END COPIED" to find the end of the copied segment.
// ===========================================================================
// COPIED FROM imgui_impl_opengl3.cp ////////////////////////////////////////
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
#include "../imgui.h"
#include "imgui_impl_opengl3.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1500 // MSVC 2008 or earlier
#include <stddef.h> // intptr_t
#include <stdint.h> // intptr_t
// GL includes
#if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2)
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES3)
#if (defined(__APPLE__) && (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV))
#include <OpenGLES/ES3/gl.h> // Use GL ES 3
#include <GLES3/gl3.h> // Use GL ES 3
// About Desktop OpenGL function loaders:
// Modern desktop OpenGL doesn't have a standard portable header file to load OpenGL function pointers.
// Helper libraries are often used for this purpose! Here we are supporting a few common ones (gl3w, glew, glad).
// You may use another loader/header of your choice (glext, glLoadGen, etc.), or chose to manually implement your own.
#include <GL/gl3w.h> // Needs to be initialized with gl3wInit() in user's code
#include <GL/glew.h> // Needs to be initialized with glewInit() in user's code.
#include <glad/glad.h> // Needs to be initialized with gladLoadGL() in user's code.
#include <glad/gl.h> // Needs to be initialized with gladLoadGL(...) or gladLoaderLoadGL() in user's code.
#define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE // GLFW including OpenGL headers causes ambiguity or multiple definition errors.
#include <glbinding/Binding.h> // Needs to be initialized with glbinding::Binding::initialize() in user's code.
#include <glbinding/gl/gl.h>
using namespace gl;
#define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE // GLFW including OpenGL headers causes ambiguity or multiple definition errors.
#include <glbinding/glbinding.h>// Needs to be initialized with glbinding::initialize() in user's code.
#include <glbinding/gl/gl.h>
using namespace gl;
#include <epoxy/gl.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengles2.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengles2_gl2.h>
// Desktop GL 3.2+ has glDrawElementsBaseVertex() which GL ES and WebGL don't have.
#if !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2) && !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES3) && defined(GL_VERSION_3_2)
// Desktop GL 3.3+ has glBindSampler()
#if !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2) && !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES3) && defined(GL_VERSION_3_3)
// Desktop GL 3.1+ has GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART state
#if !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2) && !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES3) && defined(GL_VERSION_3_1)
namespace imgui_impl_opengl
// OpenGL Data
static GLuint g_GlVersion = 0; // Extracted at runtime using GL_MAJOR_VERSION, GL_MINOR_VERSION queries (e.g. 320 for GL 3.2)
static char g_GlslVersionString[32] = ""; // Specified by user or detected based on compile time GL settings.
static GLuint g_ShaderHandle = 0, g_VertHandle = 0, g_FragHandle = 0;
static GLint g_AttribLocationTex = 0, g_AttribLocationProjMtx = 0; // Uniforms location
static GLuint g_AttribLocationVtxPos = 0, g_AttribLocationVtxUV = 0; // Vertex attributes location
static GLint g_UniformLocationForceNearestSampling = 0;
static GLint g_UniformLocationGridWidth = 0;
// Functions
static bool ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init(const char* glsl_version)
// Query for GL version (e.g. 320 for GL 3.2)
#if !defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2)
GLint major = 0;
GLint minor = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &major);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &minor);
if (major == 0 && minor == 0)
// Query GL_VERSION in desktop GL 2.x, the string will start with "<major>.<minor>"
const char* gl_version = (const char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION);
sscanf(gl_version, "%d.%d", &major, &minor);
g_GlVersion = (GLuint)(major * 100 + minor * 10);
g_GlVersion = 200; // GLES 2
// Store GLSL version string so we can refer to it later in case we recreate shaders.
// Note: GLSL version is NOT the same as GL version. Leave this to NULL if unsure.
#if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2)
if (glsl_version == NULL)
glsl_version = "#version 100";
#elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES3)
if (glsl_version == NULL)
glsl_version = "#version 300 es";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
if (glsl_version == NULL)
glsl_version = "#version 150";
if (glsl_version == NULL)
glsl_version = "#version 130";
IM_ASSERT((int)strlen(glsl_version) + 2 < IM_ARRAYSIZE(g_GlslVersionString));
strcpy(g_GlslVersionString, glsl_version);
strcat(g_GlslVersionString, "\n");
// Debugging construct to make it easily visible in the IDE and debugger which GL loader has been selected.
// The code actually never uses the 'gl_loader' variable! It is only here so you can read it!
// If auto-detection fails or doesn't select the same GL loader file as used by your application,
// you are likely to get a crash below.
// You can explicitly select a loader by using '#define IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_XXX' in imconfig.h or compiler command-line.
const char* gl_loader = "Unknown";
gl_loader = "GL3W";
gl_loader = "GLEW";
gl_loader = "GLAD";
gl_loader = "GLAD2";
gl_loader = "glbinding2";
gl_loader = "glbinding3";
gl_loader = "custom";
gl_loader = "none";
// Make an arbitrary GL call (we don't actually need the result)
// IF YOU GET A CRASH HERE: it probably means that you haven't initialized the OpenGL function loader used by this code.
// Desktop OpenGL 3/4 need a function loader. See the IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_xxx explanation above.
GLint current_texture;
glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &current_texture);
return true;
// ===========================================================================
// COPIED FROM A DIFFERENT PART OF imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
// ===========================================================================
// If you get an error please report on github. You may try different GL context version or GLSL version. See GL<>GLSL version table at the top of this file.
static bool CheckShader(GLuint handle, const char* desc)
GLint status = 0, log_length = 0;
glGetShaderiv(handle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
glGetShaderiv(handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
if ((GLboolean)status == GL_FALSE)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects: failed to compile %s!\n", desc);
if (log_length > 1)
ImVector<char> buf;
buf.resize((int)(log_length + 1));
glGetShaderInfoLog(handle, log_length, NULL, (GLchar*)buf.begin());
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf.begin());
return (GLboolean)status == GL_TRUE;
// If you get an error please report on GitHub. You may try different GL context version or GLSL version.
static bool CheckProgram(GLuint handle, const char* desc)
GLint status = 0, log_length = 0;
glGetProgramiv(handle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
glGetProgramiv(handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
if ((GLboolean)status == GL_FALSE)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects: failed to link %s! (with GLSL '%s')\n", desc, g_GlslVersionString);
if (log_length > 1)
ImVector<char> buf;
buf.resize((int)(log_length + 1));
glGetProgramInfoLog(handle, log_length, NULL, (GLchar*)buf.begin());
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf.begin());
return (GLboolean)status == GL_TRUE;
static void ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(ImDrawData* draw_data, int fb_width, int fb_height)
// Setup render state: alpha-blending enabled, no face culling, no depth testing, scissor enabled, polygon fill
if (g_GlVersion >= 310)
// Support for GL 4.5 rarely used glClipControl(GL_UPPER_LEFT)
#if defined(GL_CLIP_ORIGIN)
bool clip_origin_lower_left = true;
if (g_GlVersion >= 450)
GLenum current_clip_origin = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_CLIP_ORIGIN, (GLint*)&current_clip_origin);
if (current_clip_origin == GL_UPPER_LEFT)
clip_origin_lower_left = false;
// Setup viewport, orthographic projection matrix
// Our visible imgui space lies from draw_data->DisplayPos (top left) to draw_data->DisplayPos+data_data->DisplaySize (bottom right). DisplayPos is (0,0) for single viewport apps.
glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)fb_width, (GLsizei)fb_height);
float L = draw_data->DisplayPos.x;
float R = draw_data->DisplayPos.x + draw_data->DisplaySize.x;
float T = draw_data->DisplayPos.y;
float B = draw_data->DisplayPos.y + draw_data->DisplaySize.y;
#if defined(GL_CLIP_ORIGIN)
if (!clip_origin_lower_left) { float tmp = T; T = B; B = tmp; } // Swap top and bottom if origin is upper left
const float ortho_projection[4][4] =
{ 2.0f/(R-L), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 2.0f/(T-B), 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f },
{ (R+L)/(L-R), (T+B)/(B-T), 0.0f, 1.0f },
glUniform1i(g_AttribLocationTex, 0);
glUniformMatrix4fv(g_AttribLocationProjMtx, 1, GL_FALSE, &ortho_projection[0][0]);
//glEnableVertexAttribArray(g_AttribLocationVtxColor); //Our shader doesn't use vertex color
glVertexAttribPointer(g_AttribLocationVtxPos, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(ImDrawVert), (GLvoid*)IM_OFFSETOF(ImDrawVert, pos));
glVertexAttribPointer(g_AttribLocationVtxUV, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(ImDrawVert), (GLvoid*)IM_OFFSETOF(ImDrawVert, uv));
//glVertexAttribPointer(g_AttribLocationVtxColor, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(ImDrawVert), (GLvoid*)IM_OFFSETOF(ImDrawVert, col));
// ===========================================================================
// END COPIED FROM imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note that a lot of the following code still orginated in
// imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp but there are more changes from here on.
// ===========================================================================
// New uniforms for ImGuiTexInspect fragment shader
static GLint g_UniformLocationTextureSize;
static GLint g_UniformLocationColorTransform;
static GLint g_UniformLocationColorOffset;
static GLint g_UniformLocationBackgroundColor;
static GLint g_UniformLocationPremultiplyAlpha;
static GLint g_UniformLocationDisableFinalAlpha;
static GLint g_UniformLocationGrid;
// Vertex shaders are directly from imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
const GLchar* vertex_shader_glsl_120 =
"uniform mat4 ProjMtx;\n"
"attribute vec2 Position;\n"
"attribute vec2 UV;\n"
"attribute vec4 Color;\n"
"varying vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"varying vec4 Frag_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" Frag_UV = UV;\n"
" Frag_Color = Color;\n"
" gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1);\n"
const GLchar* vertex_shader_glsl_130 =
"uniform mat4 ProjMtx;\n"
"in vec2 Position;\n"
"in vec2 UV;\n"
"in vec4 Color;\n"
"out vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"out vec4 Frag_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" Frag_UV = UV;\n"
" Frag_Color = Color;\n"
" gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1);\n"
const GLchar* vertex_shader_glsl_300_es =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout (location = 0) in vec2 Position;\n"
"layout (location = 1) in vec2 UV;\n"
"layout (location = 2) in vec4 Color;\n"
"uniform mat4 ProjMtx;\n"
"out vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"out vec4 Frag_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" Frag_UV = UV;\n"
" Frag_Color = Color;\n"
" gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1);\n"
const GLchar* vertex_shader_glsl_410_core =
"layout (location = 0) in vec2 Position;\n"
"layout (location = 1) in vec2 UV;\n"
"layout (location = 2) in vec4 Color;\n"
"uniform mat4 ProjMtx;\n"
"out vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"out vec4 Frag_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" Frag_UV = UV;\n"
" Frag_Color = Color;\n"
" gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy,0,1);\n"
const GLchar *fragment_shader_glsl_120 = "#ifdef GL_ES\n"
" precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform sampler2D Texture;\n"
"uniform vec2 TextureSize;\n"
"uniform mat4 ColorTransform;\n"
"uniform vec4 ColorOffset;\n"
"uniform vec3 BackgroundColor;\n"
"uniform float PremultiplyAlpha;\n"
"uniform float DisableFinalAlpha;\n"
"uniform bool ForceNearestSampling;\n"
"uniform vec4 Grid;\n"
"uniform vec2 GridWidth;\n"
"varying vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vec2 uv;\n"
" vec2 texel = Frag_UV * TextureSize;\n"
" if (ForceNearestSampling)\n"
" uv = (floor(texel) + vec2(0.5,0.5)) / TextureSize;\n"
" else\n"
" uv = Frag_UV;\n"
" vec2 texelEdge = step(mod(texel,vec2(1.0,1.0)),GridWidth);\n"
" float isGrid = max(texelEdge.x, texelEdge.y);\n"
" vec4 ct = ColorTransform * texture2D(Texture, uv) + ColorOffset;\n"
" ct.rgb = ct.rgb * mix(1.0, ct.a, PremultiplyAlpha);\n"
" ct.rgb += BackgroundColor * (1.0-ct.a);\n"
" ct.a = mix(ct.a, 1.0, DisableFinalAlpha);\n"
" ct = mix(ct, vec4(Grid.rgb,1), Grid.a * isGrid);\n"
" gl_FragColor = ct;\n"
const GLchar *fragment_shader_glsl_130 = "uniform sampler2D Texture;\n"
"uniform vec2 TextureSize;\n"
"uniform mat4 ColorTransform;\n"
"uniform vec4 ColorOffset;\n"
"uniform vec3 BackgroundColor;\n"
"uniform float PremultiplyAlpha;\n"
"uniform float DisableFinalAlpha;\n"
"uniform bool ForceNearestSampling;\n"
"uniform vec4 Grid;\n"
"uniform vec2 GridWidth;\n"
"in vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"out vec4 Out_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vec2 uv;\n"
" vec2 texel = Frag_UV * TextureSize;\n"
" if (ForceNearestSampling)\n"
" uv = (floor(texel) + vec2(0.5,0.5)) / TextureSize;\n"
" else\n"
" uv = Frag_UV;\n"
" vec2 texelEdge = step(mod(texel,vec2(1.0,1.0)),GridWidth);\n"
" float isGrid = max(texelEdge.x, texelEdge.y);\n"
" vec4 ct = ColorTransform * texture(Texture, uv) + ColorOffset;\n"
" ct.rgb = ct.rgb * mix(1.0, ct.a, PremultiplyAlpha);\n"
" ct.rgb += BackgroundColor * (1.0-ct.a);\n"
" ct.a = mix(ct.a, 1.0, DisableFinalAlpha);\n"
" ct = mix(ct, vec4(Grid.rgb,1), Grid.a * isGrid);\n"
" Out_Color = ct;\n"
const GLchar *fragment_shader_glsl_300_es = "precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform sampler2D Texture;\n"
"uniform vec2 TextureSize;\n"
"uniform mat4 ColorTransform;\n"
"uniform vec4 ColorOffset;\n"
"uniform vec3 BackgroundColor;\n"
"uniform float PremultiplyAlpha;\n"
"uniform float DisableFinalAlpha;\n"
"uniform bool ForceNearestSampling;\n"
"uniform vec4 Grid;\n"
"uniform vec2 GridWidth;\n"
"in vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out vec4 Out_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vec2 uv;\n"
" vec2 texel = Frag_UV * TextureSize;\n"
" if (ForceNearestSampling)\n"
" uv = (floor(texel) + vec2(0.5,0.5)) / TextureSize;\n"
" else\n"
" uv = Frag_UV;\n"
" vec2 texelEdge = step(mod(texel,vec2(1.0,1.0)),GridWidth);\n"
" float isGrid = max(texelEdge.x, texelEdge.y);\n"
" vec4 ct = ColorTransform * texture(Texture, uv) + ColorOffset;\n"
" ct.rgb = ct.rgb * mix(1.0, ct.a, PremultiplyAlpha);\n"
" ct.rgb += BackgroundColor * (1.0-ct.a);\n"
" ct.a = mix(ct.a, 1.0, DisableFinalAlpha);\n"
" ct = mix(ct, vec4(Grid.rgb,1), Grid.a * isGrid);\n"
" Out_Color = ct;\n"
const GLchar *fragment_shader_glsl_410_core = "uniform sampler2D Texture;\n"
"uniform vec2 TextureSize;\n"
"uniform mat4 ColorTransform;\n"
"uniform vec4 ColorOffset;\n"
"uniform vec3 BackgroundColor;\n"
"uniform float PremultiplyAlpha;\n"
"uniform float DisableFinalAlpha;\n"
"uniform bool ForceNearestSampling;\n"
"uniform vec4 Grid;\n"
"uniform vec2 GridWidth;\n"
"in vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out vec4 Out_Color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vec2 uv;\n"
" vec2 texel = Frag_UV * TextureSize;\n"
" if (ForceNearestSampling)\n"
" uv = (floor(texel) + vec2(0.5,0.5)) / TextureSize;\n"
" else\n"
" uv = Frag_UV;\n"
" vec2 texelEdge = step(mod(texel,vec2(1.0,1.0)),GridWidth);\n"
" float isGrid = max(texelEdge.x, texelEdge.y);\n"
" vec4 ct = ColorTransform * texture(Texture, uv) + ColorOffset;\n"
" ct.rgb = ct.rgb * mix(1.0, ct.a, PremultiplyAlpha);\n"
" ct.rgb += BackgroundColor * (1.0-ct.a);\n"
" ct.a = mix(ct.a, 1.0, DisableFinalAlpha);\n"
" ct = mix(ct, vec4(Grid.rgb,1), Grid.a * isGrid);\n"
" Out_Color = ct;\n"
/* BuildShader is from imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp. Only change is to query the
* additional uniform locations for the new fragment shader*/
void BuildShader()
// Shader selection code based on imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
// Parse GLSL version string
int glsl_version = 130;
sscanf(g_GlslVersionString, "#version %d", &glsl_version);
// Select shaders matching our GLSL versions
const GLchar *vertex_shader = NULL;
const GLchar *fragment_shader = NULL;
if (glsl_version < 130)
vertex_shader = vertex_shader_glsl_120;
fragment_shader = fragment_shader_glsl_120;
else if (glsl_version >= 410)
vertex_shader = vertex_shader_glsl_410_core;
fragment_shader = fragment_shader_glsl_410_core;
else if (glsl_version == 300)
vertex_shader = vertex_shader_glsl_300_es;
fragment_shader = fragment_shader_glsl_300_es;
vertex_shader = vertex_shader_glsl_130;
fragment_shader = fragment_shader_glsl_130;
if (fragment_shader == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: imgui_tex_inspect fragment shader for %s not implemented yet", g_GlslVersionString);
// Create shaders
const GLchar *vertex_shader_with_version[2] = {g_GlslVersionString, vertex_shader};
g_VertHandle = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
glShaderSource(g_VertHandle, 2, vertex_shader_with_version, NULL);
CheckShader(g_VertHandle, "vertex shader");
const GLchar *fragment_shader_with_version[2] = {g_GlslVersionString, fragment_shader};
g_FragHandle = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
glShaderSource(g_FragHandle, 2, fragment_shader_with_version, NULL);
CheckShader(g_FragHandle, "fragment shader");
g_ShaderHandle = glCreateProgram();
glAttachShader(g_ShaderHandle, g_VertHandle);
glAttachShader(g_ShaderHandle, g_FragHandle);
CheckProgram(g_ShaderHandle, "shader program");
g_AttribLocationTex = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "Texture");
g_AttribLocationProjMtx = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "ProjMtx");
g_AttribLocationVtxPos = (GLuint)glGetAttribLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "Position");
g_AttribLocationVtxUV = (GLuint)glGetAttribLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "UV");
// Change from imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp (Our shader doesn't use vertex color)
//g_AttribLocationVtxColor = (GLuint)glGetAttribLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "Color");
// New uniforms used by imgui_tex_inspect
g_UniformLocationTextureSize = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "TextureSize");
g_UniformLocationColorTransform = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "ColorTransform");
g_UniformLocationColorOffset = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "ColorOffset");
g_UniformLocationBackgroundColor = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "BackgroundColor");
g_UniformLocationPremultiplyAlpha = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "PremultiplyAlpha");
g_UniformLocationDisableFinalAlpha = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "DisableFinalAlpha");
g_UniformLocationGrid = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "Grid");
g_UniformLocationForceNearestSampling = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "ForceNearestSampling");
g_UniformLocationGridWidth = glGetUniformLocation(g_ShaderHandle, "GridWidth");
} // namespace imgui_impl_opengl
namespace ImGuiTexInspect
using namespace imgui_impl_opengl;
static GLuint readbackFramebuffer = 0;
// [SECTION] Init and Shutdown
bool ImplOpenGL3_Init(const char *glsl_version)
glGenFramebuffers(1, &readbackFramebuffer);
return true;
void ImplOpenGl3_Shutdown()
// No need to call ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Shutdown, it doesn't even
// exist in the imgui_impl_opengl namespace. Our version of
// ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init doesn't affect OpenGL state.
g_VertHandle = 0;
g_FragHandle = 0;
g_ShaderHandle = 0;
glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &readbackFramebuffer);
readbackFramebuffer = 0;
void GiveNotInitializedWarning()
static bool warningGiven = false;
if (!warningGiven)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ImGuiTexInspect backend not initialized\n");
warningGiven = true;
// [SECTION] BackEnd functions declared in imgui_tex_inspect_internal.h
void BackEnd_SetShader(const ImDrawList *, const ImDrawCmd *, const Inspector *inspector)
const ShaderOptions *texConversion = &inspector->CachedShaderOptions;
if (g_ShaderHandle)
ImDrawData *draw_data = ImGui::GetDrawData();
int fb_width = (int)(draw_data->DisplaySize.x * draw_data->FramebufferScale.x);
int fb_height = (int)(draw_data->DisplaySize.y * draw_data->FramebufferScale.y);
if (fb_width <= 0 || fb_height <= 0)
// Setup normal ImGui GL state
ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_SetupRenderState(draw_data, fb_width, fb_height);
// Setup imgui_tex_inspect specific shader uniforms
glUniformMatrix4fv(g_UniformLocationColorTransform, 1, GL_FALSE, texConversion->ColorTransform);
glUniform2fv(g_UniformLocationTextureSize, 1, &inspector->TextureSize.x);
glUniform4fv(g_UniformLocationColorOffset, 1, texConversion->ColorOffset);
glUniform3fv(g_UniformLocationBackgroundColor, 1, &texConversion->BackgroundColor.x);
glUniform1f(g_UniformLocationPremultiplyAlpha, texConversion->PremultiplyAlpha);
glUniform1f(g_UniformLocationDisableFinalAlpha, texConversion->DisableFinalAlpha);
glUniform1i(g_UniformLocationForceNearestSampling, texConversion->ForceNearestSampling);
glUniform2fv(g_UniformLocationGridWidth, 1, &texConversion->GridWidth.x);
glUniform4fv(g_UniformLocationGrid, 1, &texConversion->GridColor.x);
bool BackEnd_GetData(Inspector *inspector, ImTextureID texture, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, BufferDesc *bufferDesc)
// Current simple implementation just gets data for whole texture
if (readbackFramebuffer == 0)
return false;
const int numChannels = 4;
glGetError(); // Discard any current error so that check at end of function is useful
void * data;
int texWidth = (int)inspector->TextureSize.x;
int texHeight = (int)inspector->TextureSize.y;
GLuint glTexture = (GLuint)(uintptr_t)texture; //Double cast to avoid warning
size_t bufferSize = sizeof(float) * texWidth * texHeight * numChannels;
bufferDesc->Data_float = (float *)GetBuffer(inspector, bufferSize);
GLuint type = GL_FLOAT;
data = (void *)bufferDesc->Data_float;
size_t bufferSize = sizeof(uint8_t) * texWidth * texHeight * numChannels;
bufferDesc->Data_uint8_t = (uint8_t *)GetBuffer(inspector, bufferSize);
data = (void *)bufferDesc->Data_uint8_t;
if (data == NULL)
return false;
bufferDesc->BufferByteSize = bufferSize;
bufferDesc->Red = 0; // Data is packed such that red channel is first
bufferDesc->Green = 1; // then green, then blue, the alpha. Hence, 0,1,2,3
bufferDesc->Blue = 2; // for these channel order values.
bufferDesc->Alpha = 3;
bufferDesc->ChannelCount = 4; // RGBA
bufferDesc->LineStride = (int)inspector->TextureSize.x * numChannels;
bufferDesc->Stride = 4; // No padding between each RGBA texel
bufferDesc->StartX = 0; // We queried the whole texture
bufferDesc->StartY = 0;
bufferDesc->Width = texWidth;
bufferDesc->Height = texHeight;
// Save current frame buffer so we can restore it
GLuint currentFramebuffer;
glGetIntegerv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, (GLint *)&currentFramebuffer);
// Read texture data
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, readbackFramebuffer);
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, glTexture, 0);
glReadPixels(0, 0, texWidth, texHeight, GL_RGBA, type, data);
// Restore previous framebuffer
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, currentFramebuffer);
return glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR;
} // namespace ImGuiTexInspect

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// ImGuiTexInspect, a texture inspector widget for dear imgui
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
namespace ImGuiTexInspect
bool ImplOpenGL3_Init(const char *glsl_version = NULL);
void ImplOpenGl3_Shutdown();
} // namespace ImGuiTexInspect

lib/imgui_tex_inspect.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lib/imgui_tex_inspect.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
// ImGuiTexInspect, a texture inspector widget for dear imgui
#pragma once
#include "imgui.h"
namespace ImGuiTexInspect
struct Context;
struct Transform2D;
void Init();
void Shutdown();
Context *CreateContext();
void DestroyContext(Context *);
void SetCurrentContext(Context *);
enum InspectorAlphaMode
InspectorAlphaMode_ImGui, // Alpha is transparency so you see the ImGui panel background behind image
InspectorAlphaMode_Black, // Alpha is used to blend over a black background
InspectorAlphaMode_White, // Alpha is used to blend over a white background
InspectorAlphaMode_CustomColor // Alpha is used to blend over a custom colour.
typedef ImU64 InspectorFlags;
enum InspectorFlags_
InspectorFlags_ShowWrap = 1 << 0, // Draw beyong the [0,1] uv range. What you see will depend on API
InspectorFlags_NoForceFilterNearest = 1 << 1, // Normally we force nearest neighbour sampling when zoomed in. Set to disable this.
InspectorFlags_NoGrid = 1 << 2, // By default a grid is shown at high zoom levels
InspectorFlags_NoTooltip = 1 << 3, // Disable tooltip on hover
InspectorFlags_FillHorizontal = 1 << 4, // Scale to fill available space horizontally
InspectorFlags_FillVertical = 1 << 5, // Scale to fill available space vertically
InspectorFlags_NoAutoReadTexture = 1 << 6, // By default texture data is read to CPU every frame for tooltip and annotations
InspectorFlags_FlipX = 1 << 7, // Horizontally flip the way the texture is displayed
InspectorFlags_FlipY = 1 << 8, // Vertically flip the way the texture is displayed
/* Use one of these Size structs if you want to specify an exact size for the inspector panel.
* E.g.
* BeginInspectorPanel("MyPanel", texture_1K, ImVec2(1024,1024), 0, SizeExcludingBorder(ImVec2(1024,1024)));
* However, most of the time the default size will be fine. E.g.
* BeginInspectorPanel("MyPanel", texture_1K, ImVec2(1024,1024));
struct SizeIncludingBorder {ImVec2 Size; SizeIncludingBorder(ImVec2 size):Size(size){}};
struct SizeExcludingBorder {ImVec2 size; SizeExcludingBorder(ImVec2 size):size(size){}};
/* BeginInspectorPanel
* Returns true if panel is drawn. Note that flags will only be considered on the first call */
bool BeginInspectorPanel(const char *name, ImTextureID, ImVec2 textureSize, InspectorFlags flags = 0);
bool BeginInspectorPanel(const char *name, ImTextureID, ImVec2 textureSize, InspectorFlags flags, SizeIncludingBorder size);
bool BeginInspectorPanel(const char *name, ImTextureID, ImVec2 textureSize, InspectorFlags flags, SizeExcludingBorder size);
/* EndInspectorPanel
* Always call after BeginInspectorPanel and after you have drawn any required annotations*/
void EndInspectorPanel();
/* ReleaseInspectorData
* ImGuiTexInspect keeps texture data cached in memory. If you know you won't
* be displaying a particular panel for a while you can call this to release
* the memory. It won't be allocated again until next time you call
* BeginInspectorPanel. If id is NULL then the current (most recent) inspector
* will be affected. Unless you have a lot of different Inspector instances
* you can probably not worry about this. Call CurrentInspector_GetID to get
* the ID of an inspector.
void ReleaseInspectorData(ImGuiID id);
/* All the functions starting with CurrentInspector_ can be used after calling
* BeginInspector until the end of the frame. It is not necessary to call them
* before the matching EndInspectorPanel
/* CurrentInspector_SetColorMatrix
* colorMatrix and colorOffset describe the transform which happens to the
* color of each texel.
* The calculation is finalColor = colorMatrix * originalColor + colorOffset.
* Where finalColor, originalColor and colorOffset are column vectors with
* components (r,g,b,a) and colorMatrix is a column-major matrix.
void CurrentInspector_SetColorMatrix(const float (&colorMatrix)[16], const float (&colorOffset)[4]);
void CurrentInspector_ResetColorMatrix();
/* CurrentInspector_SetAlphaMode - see enum comments for details*/
void CurrentInspector_SetAlphaMode(InspectorAlphaMode);
void CurrentInspector_SetFlags(InspectorFlags toSet, InspectorFlags toClear = 0);
inline void CurrentInspector_ClearFlags(InspectorFlags toClear) {CurrentInspector_SetFlags(0, toClear);}
void CurrentInspector_SetGridColor(ImU32 color);
void CurrentInspector_SetMaxAnnotations(int maxAnnotations);
/* CurrentInspector_InvalidateTextureCache
* If using the InspectorFlags_NoAutoReadTexture flag then call this to
* indicate your texture has changed context.
void CurrentInspector_InvalidateTextureCache();
/* CurrentInspector_SetCustomBackgroundColor
* If using InspectorAlphaMode_CustomColor then this is the color that will be
* blended as the background where alpha is less than one.
void CurrentInspector_SetCustomBackgroundColor(ImVec4 color);
void CurrentInspector_SetCustomBackgroundColor(ImU32 color);
/* CurrentInspector_GetID
* Get the ID of the current inspector. Currently only used for calling
* ReleaseInspectorData.
ImGuiID CurrentInspector_GetID();
/* Some convenience functions for drawing ImGui controls for the current Inspector */
void DrawColorMatrixEditor(); // ColorMatrix editor. See comments on ColorMatrix below.
void DrawGridEditor(); // Grid editor. Enable/Disable grid. Set Grid Color.
void DrawColorChannelSelector(); // For toggling R,G,B channels
void DrawAlphaModeSelector(); // A combo box for selecting the alpha mode
/* SetZoomRate
* factor should be greater than 1. A value of 1.5 means one mouse wheel
* scroll will increase zoom level by 50%. The factor used for zooming out is
* 1/factor. */
void SetZoomRate(float factor);
/* DrawAnnotationLine
* Convenience function to add a line to draw list using texel coordinates.
void DrawAnnotationLine(ImDrawList *drawList, ImVec2 fromTexel, ImVec2 toTexel, Transform2D texelsToPixels, ImU32 color);
// [SECTION] Annotation Classes
/* To draw annotations call DrawAnnotions in between BeginInspectorPanel and
* EndInspectorPanel. Example usage:
* DrawAnnotations(ValueText(ValueText::HexString));
* To provide your own Annotation drawing class just define a class that
* implements the DrawAnnotation method. See imgui_tex_inspect_demo.cpp
* for an example.
template <typename T>
void DrawAnnotations(T drawer, ImU64 maxAnnotatedTexels = 0);
/* ValueText
* An annoation class that draws text inside each texel when zoom level is high enough for it to fit.
* The text shows the value of the texel. E.g. "R:255, G: 128, B:0, A:255"
class ValueText
int TextRowCount;
int TextColumnCount;
const char *TextFormatString;
bool FormatAsFloats;
enum Format
HexString, // E.g. #EF97B9FF
BytesHex, // E.g. R:#EF G:#97 B:#B9 A:#FF (split over 4 lines)
BytesDec, // E.g. R:239 G: 151 B:185 A:255 (split over 4 lines)
Floats // E.g. 0.937 0.592 0.725 1.000 (split over 4 lines)
ValueText(Format format = HexString);
void DrawAnnotation(ImDrawList *drawList, ImVec2 texel, Transform2D texelsToPixels, ImVec4 value);
/* Arrow
* An annotation class that draws an arrow inside each texel when zoom level is
* high enough. The direction and length of the arrow are determined by texel
* values.
* The X and Y components of the arrow is determined by the VectorIndex_x, and
* VectorIndex_y channels of the texel value. Examples:
* VectorIndex_x = 0, VectorIndex_y = 1 means X component is red and Y component is green
* VectorIndex_x = 1, VectorIndex_y = 2 means X component is green and Y component is blue
* VectorIndex_x = 0, VectorIndex_y = 3 means X component is red and Y component is alpha
* ZeroPoint is the texel value which corresponds to a zero length vector. E.g.
* ZeroPoint = (0.5, 0.5) means (0.5, 0.5) will be drawn as a zero length arrow
* All public properties can be directly manipulated. There are also presets that can be set
* by calling UsePreset.
class Arrow
int VectorIndex_x;
int VectorIndex_y;
ImVec2 LineScale;
ImVec2 ZeroPoint = {0, 0};
enum Preset
NormalMap, // For normal maps. I.e. Arrow is in (R,G) channels. 128, 128 is zero point
NormalizedFloat // Arrow in (R,G) channels. 0,0 is zero point, (1,0) will draw an arrow exactly to
// right edge of texture. (0,-1) will draw exactly to the bottom etc.
Arrow(int xVectorIndex = 0, int yVectorIndex = 1, ImVec2 lineScale = ImVec2(1, 1));
Arrow &UsePreset(Preset);
void DrawAnnotation(ImDrawList *drawList, ImVec2 texel, Transform2D texelsToPixels, ImVec4 value);
struct Transform2D
ImVec2 Scale;
ImVec2 Translate;
/* Transform a vector by this transform. Scale is applied first */
ImVec2 operator*(const ImVec2 &rhs) const
return ImVec2(Scale.x * rhs.x + Translate.x, Scale.y * rhs.y + Translate.y);
/* Return an inverse transform such that transform.Inverse() * transform * vector == vector*/
Transform2D Inverse() const
ImVec2 inverseScale(1 / Scale.x, 1 / Scale.y);
return {inverseScale, ImVec2(-inverseScale.x * Translate.x, -inverseScale.y * Translate.y)};
struct BufferDesc
float *Data_float = nullptr; // Only one of these
ImU8 *Data_uint8_t = nullptr; // two pointers should be non NULL
size_t BufferByteSize = 0; // Size of buffer pointed to by one of above pointers
int Stride = 0; // Measured in size of data type, not bytes!
int LineStride = 0; // Measured in size of data type, not bytes!
int StartX = 0; // Texel coordinates of data start
int StartY = 0;
int Width = 0; // Size of block of texels which are in data
int Height = 0;
unsigned char ChannelCount = 0; // Number of color channels in data. E.g. 2 means just red and green
/* These 4 values describe where each color is stored relative to the beginning of the texel in memory
* E.g. the float containing the red value would be at:
* Data_float[texelIndex + bufferDesc.Red]
unsigned char Red = 0;
unsigned char Green = 0;
unsigned char Blue = 0;
unsigned char Alpha = 0;
/* We use this struct for annotations rather than the Inspector struct so that
* the whole Inspector struct doesn't have to be exposed in this header.
struct AnnotationsDesc
ImDrawList *DrawList;
ImVec2 TexelViewSize; // How many texels are visible for annotating
ImVec2 TexelTopLeft; // Coordinated in texture space of top left visible texel
BufferDesc Buffer; // Description of cache texel data
Transform2D TexelsToPixels; // Transform to go from texel space to screen pixel space
ImVec4 GetTexel(const BufferDesc *bd, int x, int y);
bool GetAnnotationDesc(AnnotationsDesc *, ImU64 maxAnnotatedTexels);
template <typename T>
void DrawAnnotations(T drawer, ImU64 maxAnnotatedTexels)
AnnotationsDesc ad;
if (GetAnnotationDesc(&ad, maxAnnotatedTexels))
ImVec2 texelBottomRight = ImVec2(ad.TexelTopLeft.x + ad.TexelViewSize.x, ad.TexelTopLeft.y + ad.TexelViewSize.y);
for (int ty = (int)ad.TexelTopLeft.y; ty < (int)texelBottomRight.y; ++ty)
for (int tx = (int)ad.TexelTopLeft.x; tx < (int)texelBottomRight.x; ++tx)
ImVec4 color = GetTexel(&ad.Buffer, tx, ty);
ImVec2 center = {(float)tx + 0.5f, (float)ty + 0.5f};
drawer.DrawAnnotation(ad.DrawList, center, ad.TexelsToPixels, color);
} // namespace ImGuiTexInspect

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
// ImGuiTexInspect, a texture inspector widget for dear imgui
#pragma once
#include "imgui.h"
#include "imgui_internal.h"
#include "imgui_tex_inspect.h"
namespace ImGuiTexInspect
// Returns true if a flag is set
template <typename TSet, typename TFlag>
static inline bool HasFlag(TSet set, TFlag flag)
return (set & flag) == flag;
// Set flag or flags in set
template <typename TSet, typename TFlag>
static inline void SetFlag(TSet &set, TFlag flags)
set = static_cast<TSet>(set | flags);
// Clear flag or flags in set
template <typename TSet, typename TFlag>
static inline void ClearFlag(TSet &set, TFlag flag)
set = static_cast<TSet>(set & ~flag);
static inline float ImFloorSigned(float f)
return (float)((f >= 0 || (int)f == f) ? (int)f : (int)f - 1);
// Proper modulus operator, as opposed to remainder as calculated by %
template <typename T>
static inline T Modulus(T a, T b)
return a - b * ImFloorSigned(a / b);
// Defined in recent versions of imgui_internal.h. Included here in case user is on older
// imgui version.
static inline float Round(float f)
return ImFloorSigned(f + 0.5f);
static inline ImVec2 Abs(ImVec2 v)
return ImVec2(ImAbs(v.x), ImAbs(v.y));
struct ShaderOptions
float ColorTransform[16] = {}; // See CurrentInspector_SetColorMatrix for details
float ColorOffset[4] = {};
ImVec4 BackgroundColor = {0,0,0,0}; // Color used for alpha blending
float PremultiplyAlpha = 0; // If 1 then color will be multiplied by alpha in shader, before blend stage
float DisableFinalAlpha = 0; // If 1 then fragment shader will always output alpha = 1
bool ForceNearestSampling = false; // If true fragment shader will always sample from texel centers
ImVec2 GridWidth = {0,0}; // Width in UV coords of grid line
ImVec4 GridColor = {0,0,0,0};
void ResetColorTransform();
struct Inspector
bool Initialized = false;
// Texture
ImTextureID Texture = ImTextureID{};
ImVec2 TextureSize = {0, 0}; // Size in texels of texture
float PixelAspectRatio = 1; // Values other than 1 not supported yet
// View State
bool IsDragging = false; // Is user currently dragging to pan view
ImVec2 PanPos = {0.5f, 0.5f}; // The UV value at the center of the current view
ImVec2 Scale = {1, 1}; // 1 pixel is 1 texel
ImVec2 PanelTopLeftPixel = {0, 0}; // Top left of view in ImGui pixel coordinates
ImVec2 PanelSize = {0, 0}; // Size of area allocated to drawing the image in pixels.
ImVec2 ViewTopLeftPixel = {0, 0}; // Position in ImGui pixel coordinates
ImVec2 ViewSize = {0, 0}; // Rendered size of current image. This could be smaller than panel size if user has zoomed out.
ImVec2 ViewSizeUV = {0, 0}; // Visible region of the texture in UV coordinates
/* Conversion transforms to go back and forth between screen pixels (what ImGui considers screen pixels) and texels*/
Transform2D TexelsToPixels;
Transform2D PixelsToTexels;
// Cached pixel data
bool HaveCurrentTexelData = false;
BufferDesc Buffer;
/* We don't actually access texel data through this pointer. We just
* manage its lifetime. The backend might have asked us to allocated a
* buffer, or it might not. The pointer we actually use to access texel
* data is in the Buffer object above (which depending on what the backend
* did might point to the same memory as this pointer)
ImU8 *DataBuffer = nullptr;
size_t DataBufferSize = 0;
// Configuration
InspectorFlags Flags = 0;
// Background mode
InspectorAlphaMode AlphaMode = InspectorAlphaMode_ImGui;
ImVec4 CustomBackgroundColor = {0, 0, 0, 1};
// Scaling limits
ImVec2 ScaleMin = {0.02f, 0.02f};
ImVec2 ScaleMax = {500, 500};
// Grid
float MinimumGridSize = 4; // Don't draw the grid if lines would be closer than MinimumGridSize pixels
// Annotations
ImU32 MaxAnnotatedTexels = 0;
// Color transformation
ShaderOptions ActiveShaderOptions;
ShaderOptions CachedShaderOptions;
Inspector *GetByKey(const Context *ctx, ImGuiID key);
Inspector *GetOrAddByKey(Context *ctx, ImGuiID key);
void SetPanPos(Inspector *inspector, ImVec2 pos);
void SetScale(Inspector *inspector, ImVec2 scale);
void SetScale(Inspector *inspector, float scaleY);
void RoundPanPos(Inspector *inspector);
ImU8 *GetBuffer(Inspector *inspector, size_t bytes);
/* GetTexelsToPixels
* Calculate a transform to convert from texel coordinates to screen pixel coordinates
* */
Transform2D GetTexelsToPixels(ImVec2 screenTopLeft, ImVec2 screenViewSize, ImVec2 uvTopLeft, ImVec2 uvViewSize, ImVec2 textureSize);
/* TextVector
* Draws a single-column ImGui table with one row for each provided string
void TextVector(const char *title, const char *const *strings, int n);
/* PushDisabled & PopDisabled
* Push and Pop and ImGui styles that disable and "grey out" ImGui elements
* by making them non interactive and transparent*/
void PushDisabled();
void PopDisabled();
void BackEnd_SetShader(const ImDrawList *drawList, const ImDrawCmd *cmd, const Inspector *inspector);
bool BackEnd_GetData(Inspector *inspector, ImTextureID texture, int x, int y, int width, int height, BufferDesc *buffer);
} // namespace ImGuiTexInspect

View File

@ -28,14 +28,53 @@
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
#endif #endif
#else #else
#include <SDL.h> #include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2) #if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2)
#include <SDL_opengles2.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_opengles2.h>
#else #else
#include <SDL_opengl.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
#endif #endif
#endif #endif
#include "lib/imgui_tex_inspect.h"
#include "lib/backends/tex_inspect_opengl.h"
struct Texture
ImTextureID texture;
ImVec2 size;
Texture LoadTexture(const char * path)
const int channelCount = 4;
int imageFileChannelCount;
int width, height;
uint8_t *image = (uint8_t *)stbi_load(path, &width, &height, &imageFileChannelCount, channelCount);
if (image == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\nFailed to open %s\n", stbi_failure_reason(), path);
return {nullptr,{0,0}};
GLenum dataFormat = GL_RGBA;
GLuint textureHandle;
glGenTextures(1, &textureHandle);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureHandle);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, dataFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
Texture t;
t.texture = (void*)(uintptr_t)(textureHandle);
t.size = ImVec2((float)width,(float)height);
return t;
static bool init = true; static bool init = true;
// Main code // Main code
@ -110,6 +149,10 @@ int main(int, char **) {
// Platform Windows // Platform Windows
// io.ConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge = true; // io.ConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge = true;
// io.ConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon = true; // io.ConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon = true;
ImGuiTexInspect::ImplOpenGL3_Init(); // Or DirectX 11 equivalent (check your chosen backend header file)
// Setup Dear ImGui style // Setup Dear ImGui style
ImGui::StyleColorsDark(); ImGui::StyleColorsDark();
@ -129,6 +172,8 @@ int main(int, char **) {
ImVec4 clear_color = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f); ImVec4 clear_color = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f);
Texture t;
// Main loop // Main loop
bool done = false; bool done = false;
while (!done) while (!done)
@ -185,6 +230,7 @@ int main(int, char **) {
ImGui::DockBuilderSetNodeSize(dockspace_id, viewport->Size); ImGui::DockBuilderSetNodeSize(dockspace_id, viewport->Size);
ImGui::DockBuilderDockWindow("Editor", dockspace_id); ImGui::DockBuilderDockWindow("Editor", dockspace_id);
ImGui::DockBuilderFinish(dockspace_id); ImGui::DockBuilderFinish(dockspace_id);
t = LoadTexture("/home/dubey/Pictures/DSC03199.JPG");
} }
if (ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar()) { if (ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar()) {